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天地不情感用事,对万物一视同仁。Heaven and earth do not act emotional, of all things equally.

大体有用事与用辞两端。Roughly speaking Su Dongpo used affairs and rhetoric in versifying.

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最后,表达了他的用事理想―精切。Finally, Hu Zai conveyed his own ideal of Using Reference-precision.

汝用事,即侵削诸侯,疏人骨肉。Thou act, that is, cut feudatory invasion, sparse human osteosarcoma.

塞尔吉奥·贝尔托卢奇博士说,尽量不做一些可能影响实验结果的无用事是至关重要的。Dr Sergio Bertolucci said it was vital not to "fool around" given the staggering implications of the result.

从横向方面,探寻用事的产生及驱动机制和用事的审美效果。From the crosswise aspect, the article inquired the actuation mechanism and the esthetic effect of Quotation.

开放性问题无法简单的用事或否来回答,应此被访谈者就会提供更多的信息。Open-ended questions cannot be answered with a simple yes or no response and thus encourage the interviewee to provide more information.

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用事先在白板上准备好的简笔画来教本单元的新单词,然后请孩子们数出图片上物体的总数。Use the pre-draw pictures on the whiteboard to teach the words of this unit, and then let kids to count the objects on the pictures and say the total.

它应用广泛,更是科举应试的通用文体,其矜尚用事、典赡精工的特点对类书提出了强烈的吁求。It is widely used and is also a general type of writing in the imperial examinations. Its attribute of literary quotation makes it be in great need of encyclopedia.

在艺术表现方法上,他在继承的同时也有所发展、有所创造,在写景、用事、抒情等各方面形成了自己的艺术个性。In the respect of its technique of expression, he develops and creates as well as inherits, and forms his own artistic style in depicting scenery, quoting classical allusions and expressing emotions.