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我来澄清一下。Let me clarify.

请澄清。Please clarify.

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让我们澄清一下。Let us be clear.

请允许我澄清一下。Allow me to clarify.

现在我来澄清一下。Let me clarify it right now.

明矾可以澄清浊水。Alum will settle turbid water.

明矾可以澄清浊水。Cold water will settle coffee.

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可否请您为我澄清一个议题?Could you clarify a point for me?

让我充满了要澄清一切的欲望!Fills me with the urge to defecate!

艾伦秀-琳赛萝涵澄清传闻!Lindsay Lohan Clears Up the Rumors!

事到如今有几点必须澄清。It's time to make a few things clear.

他澄清了几个重要的问题。He clarified a couple of vital points.

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先前,我提到道德澄清。I mentioned moral vindication earlier.

我会用下面都一些例子来澄清这些规则。I’ll explain with some examples below.

给我发短信,如果需要任何澄清。Message me if need any clarifications.

混浊的溶液很快就澄清了。The cloudy solution clarified quickly.

一开始,先让我们来澄清一下事实。Let's be clear about this at the start.

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一旦澄清了主题,我就谢绝了。Once I clarified the topic, I declined.

水在容器中开始澄清了。The water began to clear in the vessel.

澄清关于两性体的谣言。Disprove that whole hermaphrodite rumor.