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但是周日清晨,我对贺博士大闹肝火,我想离开。By Sunday morning, I was so angry with Dr.

肝火动,血压会升高吗?Irascibility is moved, is blood pressure elevatory ?

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医师说我血热,肝火不知道你是什么效果…Doctor said my blood, heat, anger does not know what effect you are.

肝火上冲或气血大虚都可形成本病。治疗中多用疏肝、清肝之剂。Liver heat uprush or very deficient Qi and blood can cause the disease.

方法将217例甲状腺功能亢进症肝火亢盛型患者随机分为2组。Methods 217 patients with hyperthyroidism were randomly divided into 2 groups.

那末相比较破甲而言,扑灭冲击是否比其拥有更高的每一点肝火产生威胁值?。Does Devastate always generate more threat per rage point spent than Sunder Armor?

家里经济困难,当他晓得女儿包了一个盒子放在圣诞树下时,他几乎肝火冲天。Money was tight and he became infuriated when the child tried to decorate a box to put under the Christmas tree.

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还喜欢暴饮暴食,落得个肝火很旺,目光迟钝,两颊松弛。He gorged himself habitually at table, which made him bilious, and gave him a dim and bleared eye and flabby cheeks.

其实太后只因山珍海味吃多了,一时肝火上升,双眼红肿,胃里不适,并没有大病。Actually queen because delicacies to eat many, a red rose, eyes, suffered stomach discomfort, and no serious illness.

他惯于在饭桌上狼吞虎咽,这叫他变得肝火很旺,眼睛模糊,脸颊松驰。He gorged himself habitually at table, which made him bilious, and gave him a dim and bleared eye with flabby cheeks.

睡眠不够或是睡眠质量不好,也会造成肝火上升,调理肝脏,养肝护肝。Morpheus insufficient or it is Morpheus quality bad, also can cause irascibility to rise, recuperation is hepatic, raise liver to protect liver.

健脾保肝、去湿解毒。适用于肝火盛热及肝炎患者作保健调理汤水。Invigorate the spleen and liver. Help remove liver heat. Eliminate dampness. Good to be taken as supplement for patients suffered from hepatitis.

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对一些起病突然,急躁易怒者,可用夏枯草、菊花、佛手水略煎代茶饮,有清泻肝火之效。For some sudden onset, irritability who can Prunella, chrysanthemums, bergamot tea on behalf of the water a little fried, have a clear effect diarrhea anger.

传统医学认为,孕妇一般会有肝火上升或脾胃湿热等热象,会导致孕妇感到嘴苦、干而涩。Traditional medicine, women generally have increased anger or spleen and other thermal imaging, will lead to pregnant women feel bitter mouth, dry and astringent.

然而,精神好处却不那么明显,虽然人们认为锻炼能提高血液流动减少肝火。这些都和抑郁及痴呆有关。The mental benefits are less clear, although exercise is thought to improve blood flow and reduce inflammation, which have been related to depression and dementia.

解决失眠的办法是降低肝火,同时减轻胃和脾脏的负担,后者可以通过清淡的饮食调理和适当的体育锻炼来得以实现。The solution is to calm down the activity of the liver, and to reduce the burden on stomach and spleen, which can be fulfilled by a light diet and gentle exercise.

降肝火,明目,上班族天天面对电脑的人都应该每天饮用,若搭配枸杞效果更好。Daisy tea is good for brightening vision and calming liver-fire especially couple with medlar . The person, who always in computer radiation, should take it every day.

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耳鸣是临床上的常见病、多发病,治疗多从肾精亏虚、肝火上炎等证型论治,然疗效并非尽如人意。Tinnitus is a common disease in clinical. It was generally believed that the disease was caused by kidney essence deficiency and liver-fire flaming, but the result is not fully satisfactory.