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我想你们家是堕落得无以复加了。And I thought your family could sink no lower.

我思念汉娜之情变得如此强烈简直到了无以复加的程度。My longing for Hanna became so strong that it hurt.

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真是口是心非得无以复加。It was no duplicity in order to increase rehabilitation.

卫浴设备更是简单得无以复加。The bathroom, too, could not have been more austerely furnished.

问题现已变得十分严重,危险也已到了无以复加的地步。The problem has become too big, and the danger has become too great.

而这一刻,是谁用无以复加的青春年华等待你?And this moment, who is incapable of further increase youth waiting for you?

一家人都上床睡觉了,苔丝痛苦得无以复加,也只好上床睡了。The household went to bed, and, distressed beyond measure, Tess retired also.

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事实上,在他离家之时,他对马克汉是慷慨得无以复加。Indeed, at this time of departure his generosity towards Makhan was unbounded.

在世界各国政府中,没有比我们的印度政府更无以复加的了。And among the world’s governments, none more than by our own government of India.

原来我们是凡尘最不起眼?A众生,只是感情无以复加。We are all the most humble? A beings, just feeling incapable of further increase.

中国的货币操纵行为对美国经济的影响已严重到了无以复加的程度。The impact of China's currency manipulation on the U.S. economy cannot be overstated.

另一方面,我们很有理由相信,经理回家时满面春风,心情好到无以复加。On the other hand, as we may well believe, the manager came home in the sunniest mood.

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邓通是汉文帝的男宠,文帝对他宠爱得无以复加。Deng Tong is Han Wendi is male bestow favor on, article emperor dotes on to him extremely.

我总是有很多工程和最近要截止的事情去做,要应对很多让我窒息的人,我的压力无以复加。I had deadlines and projects and people breathing down my neck, and my stress levels went through the roof.

墨索里尼手下的将领,都蠢得无以复加,甚至送义大利粉给军队作鞋带。His generals were capable of every kind of stupidity, even supplying their troops with spaghetti for bootlaces.

他们对他那种不怕艰苦的精神和勇气,以及他那种始终不懈的虔诚,都称赞得无以复加。They had no words high enough to praise his energy and courage under all hardships, and his unfailing devotion.

马格丽特·白伦顿夫人听了这一段引经据典的言论,不禁大吃一惊,同时也气愤得无以复加。Lady Margaret Bellenden heard this exposition of Scripture with the greatest possible indignation, as well as surprise.

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冥想的感觉,是解除心灵负累最好的一种方式,把时序的连惯性和思想创新的精神表现得无以复加的完美状态。Meditation is the best approach to unload the mental burden and to present the ever perfect temporal consistence and spiritual innovation.

就在我绝望的无以复加、意识模糊不清的时候,门突然被踢开,闯进来两个人,接着便是打斗的声音。In despair, I incapable of further increase sense of ambiguity when, suddenly the door was kicked, broke into two, and then fighting voice.

在此期间,肌肉紧张向无以复加的顶点增强,所有阴蒂组织则因为血液供给的增加而变得高度敏感。In the meantime, muscle tension builds to a crescendo and all of the clitoral tissues become hypersensitive due to the increased blood supply.