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他们今天一反常态。They are not themselves today.

路上,她一反常态,竟非常沉默。She seemed abnormal, and quite silent along the way.

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本周她的脾气一反常态,因此不要招惹她。Her temper's been very changeable this week so don't annoy her.

今夜月光如水,那亮光一反常态。The moon shone tonight, and its light was not of a customary kind.

随着时间流逝,温莎公爵一反常态,改写历史。As the years went by, the Duke of Windsor rejigged his version of history.

就总统先生的政治倾向而言,这类一反常态的亲密举止简直是一种讽刺。It was a taunt that the president chose, uncharacteristically, not to dismiss.

在这种情况下,尼克松对我的声名鹊起完全一反常态。In those circumstances Nixon reversed his attitude toward my growing celebrity.

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安霖感受到池北辰的好意,一反常态格外努力练习打球。Ann Lin felt kindness pool in Beichen, was exceptionally hard to practice playing.

另一种情况是,某个你亲近的人一反常态,做出奇怪的事。Another scenario might be someone close to you does something bizarre and surprising.

他们谈论着法国网球公开赛,那场拉费尔·纳达尔在星期天一反常态而失利的赛事。They talked about the French Open, where Rafael Nadal uncharacteristically lost on Sunday.

“人们看到裸体女人就微笑,”他说,“但他们看到男人的命根时,就一反常态。”"People see a naked woman and they smile, " he said. "They see a penis and they freak out."

她过去一直是个最规矩的人,不过去年她突然决定一反常态,学起颓废派来。She used to be the most correct person, but then suddenly last year she decided to freak out.

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放学后,泰德一反常态地等了很长时间,只是想和汤姆生夫人说一句话。After school, Ted acted out of normal behaviour to wait for a long time so that only talk to Mrs.

在这样的情况下,一反常态也是合乎理性的,而启发法也可以通过调整以支持这种做法。In such cases it is rational to be inconsistent, and heuristics can be adapted to allow for that.

为了准备与女友的这次决定性的约会,他今天一反常态,起了个大早。Contrary to his usual habit, he got up early this morning to get ready for this decisive date with his girl.

那件藏青的针织紧身外衣一反常态的在前面加上了纽扣装饰的围裙。That pieces of dark blue knitted uncharacteristically tight-fitting jacket buttons in front with a decorative apron.

我的母亲被迫一反常态地去“呼叫时尚”,也许正是意味着她对父亲的厮混有所察觉。My mother had to go out of her way to the Dial-a-Style, which probably meant that she suspected my father's dalliance.

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人们发现,在此次演说中,奥巴马总统一反常态,他的语气听起来并不像往常一样冷静,反而显得咄咄逼人。The president's tone was a marked departure from his usual, cool-headed demeanor. He sounded combative, and people noticed.

而且看上去,他对这段特殊的感情非常认真,这就是为什么他一反常态地对此守口如瓶。And it seems he’s taking this particular relationship pretty seriously, which is why he’s been so uncharacteristically tight-lipped.

他此时的样子和表现都一反常态----他的脸涨得通红,帽子向后斜戴着,头发也乱成一团。He did not look or act like his usual self--his face was very red, his hat was on the back of his head, his hair was wildly rumpled.