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多棒的化装舞会!And what a masquerade!

他喜欢去化装舞会He liked to masquerade.

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喜欢来参加我们的化装舞会吗?Like to come to our fancy dress party ?

你想去参加化装舞会吗?Do you want to go to masquerade parties?

一名化装了的火人驻足观看Mutopia。A costumed burner stops to watch Mutopia.

今晚的化装舞会你会去吗?。Are you going to the costume party tonight?

他化装混到毒品贩子当中。He went among the drug dealers in disguise.

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岂知这是上帝化装的祝福。The lion was God's opportunity in disguise.

这个演员把自己化装成一个老农民。The actor made himself uD as an old peasant.

不过就我觉得裸妆还是化装。But on the nude makeup or the makeup I think.

他去参加化装舞会而没戴假面具。He went masked ball without masking his face.

我化装成一个海盗,还配着剑。I dressed up as a pirate, complete with sword!

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因为化装舞会起源于意大利。Because the masquerade is originate from Italy.

他们想把他化装一个”民族俊杰”。They tried to dress him up as a "national hero".

德温特先生没有建议您穿什么样的化装服吗?Has Mr. de Winter not suggested anything for you?

一对舞台姐妹演了一出化装的哑剧。A pair of stage sisters did a pantomime in costume.

理查兹夫人穿上化装服后下了楼。After putting it on, Mrs. Richards went downstairs.

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机器人化装配需要知识与判断的支持。Robotized assembly needs rule and decision supports.

我女儿有一次打扮成修女去参加了一个化装舞会。My daughter once went to a fancy dress party as a nun.

文文终于盼来了元旦化装舞会。The fancy dress ball Wenwen had longed for came at last.