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以德治教是理想的教育境界。Running a school by virtue is an ideal realm of education.

依法治教是高等教育质量提高的法律保障。The management of higher education by laws is legal guarantee.

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分析认为,依法治教与高校体育改革相互依赖。Teaching in conformity with law and P. E. reform are inter-related.

教育法律监督是依法治教的重要保障。Supervision of educational law can ensure managing education by law.

同时使学校的各级管理干部成为懂教育、有思想的治教治校专家。In the meantime, school leaders at all levels should be made experts in teaching students and administration.

风俗之美,在养民之耻,耻者,治教三大端的意思。Person, punishes beauty of custom , disgrace of being supporting a people , disgrace teaching three big end meaning of.

“一票否决制”保证了师德规范的履行,是依法治教的有力措施。"One-vote negation system"guarantees the practice of teachers' moral standard and administration of education according to law.

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提出了师资队伍、完善管理体制、从严治教等搞好教书育人工作的途径。Ways to raise teachers ability, perfect management system and strict teaching in imparting knowledge and educating people are pointed out.

“以德治国”是“以德治教”的政策基础。“以德治教”具有深厚的历史文化渊源。Running a state morally is the policy foundation of administering teaching affairs morally which has a long historical and cultural origin.

并据此推导出教育法的确定性程度较低,而这又将影响到我国“依法治教”宣言的实现的结论。These deficiencies reflect the low degree of determination which will impede the implementation of the declaration of "governing education by law".

政府与公立中小学校之间的行政关系运用行政法调整,是当前“依法行政”、“依法治教”的必然要求。It is indispensable to regulate the administrative relation between government and public middle and primary schools in terms of administrative law.

依法办学、依法治教是社会改革发展的必然趋势,是高等教育发展规律的要求,是高等教育规模、质量、结构、效益协调发展的要求。The arising of such a situation owes much to the development of our social reform and goes inevitably with the construction of our social legal system.

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教师要根据国家的道德和法律要求从严治教,但有话好说,有耐心,不可打骂学生。Teachers, according to the country's moral and legal requirements strictly to teach, but there are words to say, have patience, can not be beaten students.

随着高等教育体制改革的不断深化,依法治国,依法治教已成为我国高等学校发展的必然趋势。With the development of Higher Education system reform, ruling the country by law and running education by law have become the developing trend of our Higher Education.

高职教育的特殊定位,决定了高职教育的特殊性,如何领悟和解读其间的特殊,必然牵引出教育思想和治教方略的诸多不同。The special orientation of higher vocational education determines its own characters, the understanding of which leads to the differences of education idea and strategy.

根据依法办学、依法治教的精神,探讨高校学生管理中涉及的法律问题。According to the principle of running school and teaching students legally, the legal issues concerned with the management of college students are discussed in this paper.

高等学校章程是高等学校设置的必要条件,也是推进依法治教和建立现代大学制度的必然要求。Statute is the necessity to set up schools of high education, and it is also the requirement of establishing modern university institution and promoting law-based teaching.

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该文主要论述了依法治教的重要意义及校长如何扎实工作,提高依法治教的水平。The paper mainly discusses the great meaning of managing education according to law and how to do a solid job to improve principals' level to manage education according to law.

借鉴法国的经验,我国高等教育应进一步转变教育观念,依法治教,完善高等教育质量评估体系。Using the experience of France, we should change our educational concept further, administer education according to law, and perfect the evaluating system of education quality.

在教育体制的改革中,我国教育法律调整的社会关系发生了重大变化,迫切需要依法治教。In the educational system reforms, the socialistic relationship restructured by our educational laws have had significant changes and need urgently operate on education according to laws.