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斜射的太阳光显得如此美妙。The slant of sun becomes significant.

他擅长打那样的斜射球。He is good at slicing the ball like that.

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获得斜射光的地区较冷。The area receiving slanting sunlight is colder.

阳光从窗户斜射入室。The sunlight slanted through the windows into the room.

斜射的阳光以光轮环抱电视塔。The slanting rays of the sun aureoled the television tower.

然后她只能回击一个平击球,对维纳斯来说就更容易再打斜射球了。She could only return it as a flat-shot, which made it easier for Venus to slice again.

等到快日落的时候,微黄的阳光斜射在山腰上,那点薄雪好像忽然害了羞,微微露出点粉色。As the sun sets, the golden rays slant on to the light snow that suddenly blushes a shy pink.

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在你发了斜射球以后,我必须跑遍整个球场,试着把球反击回去。After you had sliced the ball on your serve, I had to run all over the court trying to return it.

“难!”老师从眼镜圈外斜射出眼光来,看着我,说。“我告诉你一件事。"It's a difficult thing. " the teacher, giving me a sidelong glance over his glasses, said, "let.

其中,斜射流的情况还考虑了倾角对于溅射过程的影响。Among oblique jet-flow, the impact of the gradient angle to spattering ratio was considered as well.

当我起床时,阳光斜射入在我的小屋,留下斑驳的痕迹以证明它的存在。When I get up in the morning, the slanting sun marks its presence in my small room in two or three oblongs.

阳光斜射凸显了山脊、山谷以及一连串放射散布在维瓦尔第旁的陨石坑。The low Sun illumination also highlights ridges, valleys, and chains of craters radiating away from Vivaldi.

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一道浅绿带灰黄的光,透过雾和雪的薄幕,斜射到没有一草一木、非常僵硬的原野上。A shallow greenish light slanted down through a veil of fog and snow upon a treeless deathly rigid landscape.

“难”老师从眼镜圈外斜射出眼光来,看着我,说。“我告诉你一件事。"That's a hard nut, " said the teacher, giving me a sidelong glance over his glasses. "Let me tell you this story----"

给出了同一模型在两种不同子弹初速度、两种不同子弹形状以及子弹正射和斜射下箱体的动态响应。The constitutive relation of the tank material is described by the Johnson-Cook model and the kinematic-hardening rule.

本文分析了斜射光波的光栅衍射特点,并在实验中得以验证。The characteristics of diffraction grating of oblique incidence light wave are analysed theoretically and verified in experiments.

时钟走到了第七十分钟,从这个三十四岁的老将那里打出了一记斜射,这个晚上第三次穿透了福雷。The clock had hit the seventieth minute, a diagonal shot from the thirty-four year old beat Frey for the third time in the evening.

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测量系统以斜射式光学三角法为测量原理,采用CCD作为光电转换元件。The principle of measurement system is inclined trigonometry measurement principle and CCD is photoelectric transformation element.

一缕金黄色的阳光透过平纹薄棉布窗帘,斜射在桌子上。桌上的墨水瓶旁边有一盒半打开的火柴。A yellow beam of sunlight, filtering through the muslin curtains, slanted on to the table, where a matchbox, half open, lay beside the inkpot.

记得小时候,阳光西西斜,金色的光芒斜射在水面上,阳光在那一刻便活了,那么真实像是在跳舞。Remember childhood, West oblique sunlight, the golden rays of light beam in the water, the sun will live in the moment, so like in real dance.