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他怀疑有伏兵。He suspected an ambush.

你要在城后设下伏兵。Set an ambush behind the city.

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你要在城后设下伏兵。Set an ambush for the city behind it.

以色列人在基比亚的四围设下伏兵。Then Israel set an ambush around Gibeah.

以色列人在基比亚的四围设下伏兵。And Israel set liers in wait round about Gibeah.

以色列人在基比亚的四围设下伏兵。And Israel set tiers in wait round about Gibeah.

它的阴影象伏兵千万,它的光泽令人惊异。Its shadows are an ambush, its lights a surprise.

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有一组老虎被称为“条纹”或“伏兵”。A group of tigers is called a "streak" or an "ambush".

敌人将诱骗者一直追到伏兵所在地。The enemy chased the decoys down to the place of ambush.

日本人一来,到处都遭到伏兵的狙击。When the Japanese advanced, they were fired at by snipers from all sides.

当决定绕过伏兵的最佳路线时,战术技能会附加到心智属性上。the Tactics Skill adds to Mind when deciding the best way to spring an ambush.

格芬哈特用我们自己的战术来回敬我们,在我们的纵队踏进沼泽时设下伏兵。Gryphonheart has been using our own tactics against us, ambushing our column as we march through the swamp.

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伏兵如果被发现并被迅速的包围,将会遭受到与之期望所达到的伤害更为沉重的损失。An ambush, if discovered and promptly surrounded, will repay the intended mischief with interest -- Vegetius.

众多的高视阔步者组成的伏兵可以给那些认为自己安全的敌人带来炎狱般的“报偿”。Ambushes by groups of stalkers have brought fiery doom upon many attack wings that thought themselves safe from retribution.

比如说在布内尔,一队坦克先遣部队在狭窄的Ambela垭口被带有自杀性炸弹的伏兵阻截。In Buner, for example, an advance party of tanks was briefly halted by an ambush involving suicide bombers in the narrow pass.

于是安置了百姓,就是城北的全军和城西的伏兵。They had the soldiers take up their positions--all those in the camp to the north of the city and the ambush to the west of it.

这样城北的军民和城西的伏兵,都严阵以待。当夜若苏厄就在谷中过了夜。The people then set up their camp to the north of the city and their rearguard to the west. That night Joshua was in the valley.

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众人方唱歌赞美的时候,耶和华就派伏兵击杀那来攻击犹大人的亚扪人,摩押人,和西珥山人,他们就被打败了。As they began to sing and praise, the Lord set ambushes against the men of Ammon and Moab and Mount Seir who were invading Judah, and they were defeated.

以色列众人都起来,在巴力他玛摆阵,以色列的伏兵从马利迦巴埋伏的地方冲上前去。All the men of Israel moved from their places and took up positions at Baal Tamar, and the Israelite ambush charged out of its place on the west of Gibeah.

约书亚和以色列众人见伏兵已经夺了城,城中烟气飞腾,就转身回去,击杀艾城的人。And when Joshua and all Israel saw that the ambush had taken the city, and that the smoke of the city ascended, then they turned again, and slew the men of Ai.