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这位24岁的网球名将生在斯洛伐克。This 24-year-old tennis player was born in Slovakia.

很多当今的网坛名将都自己定制自己的网球拍。Many of today's touring pros play with customized racquets.

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他在成为足球名将前受过许多辱没`。He was suffered many humiliation before he become a football star.

可以肯定的是,在新的组织结构图里,库克的大名将位于顶部。In the new org chart, Cook's name would be at the top, to be sure.

但要对抗其他世界泳池名将难道还是少了点吗?Still less while walloping the rest of the world's best in the pool?

男子双人单桨仍然是名将的表演。Men's pair oars were still the show place for the world-renownedrowers.

每页显示一个客户的详细信息并且按名将他们的策略分类。One client's details are displayed per page and policies can be sorted by name.

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中国蝶泳神童吴鹏在与美国名将费尔普斯终极对决前保持轻松乐观的态度。Chinese butterflyer Wu Peng is in an easy mood prior to a duel with Michael Phelps.

这份报告由癌症协会、全球抗癌运动Livestrong、癌症幸存者和自行车名将兰斯·阿姆斯壮的基金会共同完成。It was done with Livestrong, cancer survivorand cyclist Lance Armstrong's foundation.

中国家喻户晓的桌球名将张怡宁很欣赏这个构想。The idea pleased Zhang Yining, a table tennis player who is a household name in China.

澳大利亚泳坛名将索普在5百万美元的生意上大赚一笔。Australian swimming star Ian Thorpe makes a killing with deals worth 5 million dollars.

女单决赛,萨芬娜的对手是赛会5号种子同胞名将库兹涅佐娃。Women's singles final, Safina's opponent is the game's No. 5 seed Kuznetsova compatriots.

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韩国游泳天才朴泰恒曾说过日后要超越美国名将菲尔普斯。South Korean swimming prodigy Park Taehwan once said he would defeat Phelps in the future.

早在半年前伊福普民调机构开展的一项对比调查中,这位足球名将就已是“独占鳌头”。The footballer had already come first in a comparable survey by pollster Ifop six months ago.

几乎不可战胜的撑杆跳高名将伊辛巴耶娃又给俄罗斯军团增添一金。And the almost unbeatable pole-vaulter Yelena Isinbayeva added one more gold to Russia's tally.

这引起了当时英国拳坛名将理查德。汉弗莱斯的注意。This attracted the attention of Richard Humphries who was then the most eminent boxer in England.

南非名将游出的26秒74的让飞利浦.弗兰萨.达.席尔瓦先前26秒89的成绩黯然失色。The South African posted 26.74 seconds to eclipse Felipe Franca da Silva's previous time of 26.89.

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这引起了当时英国拳坛名将理查德。汉弗莱的注意。This attracted the attention of Richard Humphries who was then the most eminent boxers in England.

近来卷入性丑闻的高尔夫名将老虎伍兹便因此失去了某些赞助协议。The recent sex scandal involving Tiger Woods caused the golfer to lose some of his sponsorship deals.

美国盐湖城主办冬运会。花样滑冰名将关颖珊意外失误,仅获得铜牌。Salt Lake City holds the Winter Olympics. Gold-medal favorite Michelle Kwan takes a , settles for bronze.