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探头装置是密封的。The probe unit is hermetically sealed.

智能手机和探头总共重量约为13盎司左右。Together, the phone and probe weigh about 13 ounces.

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将需要定标的探头连接到血流仪上。Plug the probe to be calibrated into the probe input.

探头插入,接地导板定位。Probes are inserted, and ground plates are positioned.

本文介绍了一种新型的VISAR探头,它具有接收效率高和景深可调的优点。A new design of VISAR probe is presented in this paper.

杆式探头采用现代的即时启动光学原理。Cane probes utilize modern, instant-on optic principles.

当你有音道探头的时候,谁又需要月球探测器呢?。Who needs a lunar probe when you can have a vaginal probe?

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TSC副枪是用于氧气转炉动态控制用的复合探头。TSO, TSC is a compound probe best-suited to dynamic control.

示波器带宽设为20兆赫兹,同轴探头。The oscilloscope bandwidth set at 20MHz with co-axial probe.

温度探头线不易被磨损且允许一定的水分进入。The cord will not fray or allow moisture to penetrate inside.

“是啊,”杜洛埃笑嘻嘻地走了过来,站在办公室门口探头朝里看。"Yes, " smiled Drouet, approaching and looking in at the door.

在朝鲜战争期间,出现了一套探头锥管系统。During the Korean War, a probe-and-drogue system was developed.

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他探头进来看了两次,并清了清喉咙,可我一直把眼闭着。Twice he looks in and clears his throat. But I keep my eyes closed.

研制了一种单探头,用于测量奥氏体不锈钢焊缝中铁素体含量的仪器。A type of ferrite content meter with a single pole probe is developed.

突然,纳斯塔西娅探头进来,用她那圆润的嗓音用意大利语说了句什么。Suddenly Nastasia put her head in to say something in her rich Italian.

MMIC在片测试探头是MMIC在片测试系统的关键部件。MMIC on-wafer probe is the key part of MMIC on-wafer measurement system.

一个单个探头能操作配对的吸着剂陷阱可以使用。A single probe capable of operating the paired sorbent traps may be used.

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无源电压探头是示波器最常用的探头。Passive voltage probe is the probe with the most commonly used oscillograph.

条款8.23.1新增测试指引,关于怎样用探头仪测试橡皮筋。Section 8.23.1 added to give guidance on how to apply the probe to elastics.

对于粒形、尺寸较小的样品宜选用P35探头。The probe P35 is suitable for the sample with particle shape and small size.