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瘦小的身子,且长满疙疙瘩瘩的骨刺。A body thin and small, and bony and thorny all over.

健康女性的正常乳腺组织通常是有颗粒状或疙疙瘩瘩的感觉。Normal breast tissue in healthy women often feels lumpy or nodular.

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可是从此以后,每逢看见蜜蜂,感情上疙疙瘩瘩的,总不怎么舒服。Still, after that the sight of a bee always filled me with misgivings.

而我,除了中文学得有点成就感之外,其他都是疙疙瘩瘩的。But me, except the Chinese studying has a little sense of achievement, others are not on the good way.

因为过去法规禁止超市出售外形过弯、疙疙瘩瘩或者外形奇怪的农产品。This was the law, one that banned overly curved, extra-knobbly or oddly shaped produce from supermarket shelves.

每当你感觉到冷,这些肌肉收缩,毛发在你的膀子上站了起来,你的皮肤就看上去很有趣,疙疙瘩瘩的。When you're cold and these muscles tighten, the hair on your arm stands up. This gives your skin a funny, bumpy look.

虽然表面上说不介意,可是绘恋心中还是有些疙疙瘩瘩,她到酒店见了父亲,听说了父母要离婚的消息。Although on the surface of said dont mind, but draw some bumpy and love heart to her hotel saw father, heard the news of the parents to divorce.

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那个魔主有著有著疙疙瘩瘩的红皮肤,红眼睛,八只手,没有脚,左胸心脏的位置上有个参差不齐的裂口。The demon master rose imperiously and hovered in the air. He had pale red skin, dark red eyes, eight arms, no legs, and a hole where his heart should be.

花鸟鱼虫,只要是能入画的那原物也叫人喜爱…每逢看见蜜蜂感情上总是疙疙瘩瘩的,不怎麽舒服。Whatever flower, bird, fish, or caterpillar, we like them when they are in photos, but when we confront with a real insect, a honeybee, we always don't feel like it.

我从小就是个不耐烦的学生,老师上课的节奏慢了以后,我就会想打瞌睡,到了大学里就是直接翘课了,总觉得讲得这么疙疙瘩瘩慢慢吞吞,我还不如回去自己看书痛快。I was always an impatient student usually to fall in sleep in slow lesson even run away in university because I prefer read myself than a slowly and not so smoothly class.

那笑容马上就像水过沙粒般漏光了,疙疙瘩瘩的惨白脸皮上,只剩下一对惊愕却空洞无神的眼睛。It kept going blank on her. The smile would wash off like water off sand and her pale skin had a harsh granular texture under the stunned and stupid blankness of her eyes.