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这个铸工厂熔铸铁。The foundry smelts iron.

熔铸设备,铝棒均质炉组,挤压设备。Hangxing Aluminium equipment plant Co. , Ltd.

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最后就电渣熔铸工艺今后的研究发展方向提出了新的设想。Auther points out the tendency and gives a new thought.

这些元素只能在恒星那可怕的核熔炉里熔铸而成。These elements are forged in the stars’ fiery nuclear furnaces.

它是好象大约人熔铸了一个咒语在所有那些人民赌博。It is as though some one has cast a spell on all those people gambling.

研究电渣熔铸过程中渣皮的形成机理。The forming mechanism of slag skin was studied during electroslag casting.

用熔铸法制备了原位自生钛合金基复合材料。In situ titanium alloy matrix composites were fabricated by melting casting.

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铝被电解分离出来后经常后续是熔铸。The aluminum is separated by electrolysis and regularly removed for subsequent casting.

他们教埃及人怎么将青铜和熔铸材料做成工具和武器。They taught the Egyptians how to make bronze and cast the material for tools and weapons.

合金和其他添加剂被混合到一起,进一步精炼熔铸的不锈钢。Alloys and other additives are then mixed in to refine the molten stainless steel further.

它有与优美的把柄和熔铸铝节流阀端盖的一件优质不锈钢寿衣。It has a high-quality stainless steel shroud with polished handle and cast-aluminum end caps.

文化的力量深深地熔铸在民族的生命力、创造力和凝聚力之中。The power of culture is also fusing deeply in the national vitality and creativity and cohesion.

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妙悟的对象是兴趣,兴是形象,趣是精神、趣味,兴趣是情性熔铸于诗歌形象之后形成的艺术情味。The target of "MIAOWU" is "XINGQU" of which "xing" is images and "qu" is the spirit or interest.

辨识它们如何熔铸而成,必能揭露出更多关于恒星与行星起源的秘密。Deciphering how they are forged promises to reveal much about the origins of both stars and planets.

研究了真空熔铸法制备的锰白铜基铸造碳化铬复合材料的二体磨料磨损机理。The abrasion wear mechanism of Mn copper-nickel alloy matrix-cast chromium carbide composite was studied.

对电渣熔铸模块采取必要的预处理——均匀化退火或正火,可以进一步提高模具的使用性能。The properties of the dies can be improved through pre treatment-high tempreature annealing or normalizing.

结果表明,与梯黑炸药相比,含NTO的TNT基熔铸炸药,具有较好的强度和低易损性能。The incorporation of NTO in TNT fillings shows a significant on low vulnerability and mechanical properties.

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熔铸的合金棒经分析、检验及渗氢处理均得到了满意结果。The satisfactory results are obtained in chemical analysis, examination and hydriding for the casted alloy rod.

从理论上详细介绍了金属在熔铸过程中的损耗计算方法。Calculation method of metals loss in fusion casting process is theoretically recommended in details in the paper.

熔铸的、未经过精炼的不锈钢被加热,并经过电流的搅动,而氧气同时通过上方进入。Molten, unrefined stainless steel is heated and stirred by an electrical current while oxygen enters from the top.