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他有三副圆规。He has two pairs of compasses.

用圆规把一个角二等分。Use your compass to bisect an angle.

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请给我买一副圆规好吗?Will you get me a pair of compasses?

如果你有一副圆规,就很容易画一个圆。Will you get me a pair of compasses?

我需要一支圆规画圆。A compass needle points to the north.

只用圆规作双纽线!Constrcut Lemniscate with Compass Only.

我需要一个圆规来画圈。I will need a compass to draw a circle.

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我在这家商店买了一副圆规。I bought a pair of compasses in the shop.

他能不用圆规画一个非常标准的圆。He can draw a good circle without compasses.

现在我们开始用圆规画一个圆。Now we begin to draw a circle with compasses.

用圆规画圆必须要有圆心。Use your compasses to draw a circle to circle.

圆规,量角器,尺子或任何。Compass, protractor, ruler, or any kind of aid.

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我们就像是圆规而她就是圆心。We’re just like a *compass and she is the center point.

学生用圆规画图。The student described a circle with a pare of compasses.

就连左右绕圈子,也彷佛用圆规所画出来的那么的浑圆而标准。Left and right circling was as round as the compasses did.

老师要求学生们用圆规画圆。The teacher asked his students to use their compasses to draw circles.

用游标卡尺、量角器和圆规分别测量各项数据。Various distances and angles were measured with dividers , protractor and vernier caliper.

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通过对实验对象常规取模,倒模,利用圆规及游标卡尺在模型上测量前牙的近远中。With the help of dividers and vernier calipers, the widths of anterior teeth were measured.

标明袖窿刀眼,胸点和省道终端和小洞表示,可以使用圆规尖或图钉。Mark the armhole notches, bust point and dart ends with small holes, using a compass point or map pins.

男孩喜欢用圆规画圆,女孩喜欢在共用游泳池游泳。The boy liked to draw a cicrl with compasses and the girl liked to swim in the swimming pool used in common.