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在人生逆旅的露营中。In the bivouac of Life.

我们露营了五天。We camped out for five days.

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什麽地方可以停我们的露营车?。Where can we park our campers?

体味幕天席地水边露营的浪漫!Let's go camping next to water!

去年夏天咱们班去露营了。My class go camping end summer.

我们在开阔的原野上露营。We bivouacked on the open plain.

露营者都被雨淋透了。The campers got drenched by rain.

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携带方便,旅行露营的好伴侣。Convience to use and take in tour.

去年夏天班去露营了。My class went camping last summer.

399号曾在2007年袭击过一个露营者。No. 399 attacked a camper in 2007.

我们在听得见“海”涛声的地方露营。We camped within sound of the sea.

一阵骤雨把露营者都淋湿了。A heavy shower drench the camp ers.

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去年夏天我们班去露营了。对于电影。My clbutt went cfirming last summer.

柴克没兴趣去露营。Zack had no interest in going camping.

内海畔,一片空旷区域里的露营者。Campers at inland sea in empty quarter.

洛依和他的爸爸在山上露营。Roy camped on the mountain with his dad.

想亲身感受一下豪华露营的滋味吗?Want to experience glamping for yourself?

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两个男孩子在后院露营,他们不知道到了晚上几点钟。The two boys were camping in the backyard.

什么时候去露营要看天气而定。When to go camping depends on the weather.

大家决议去梦岛露营。Everybody resolution to dream island camping.