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我觉得舌头有点麻麻的。My tongue feels numb.

他伸出了舌头。He protruded his tongue.

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胡椒蜇舌头。Peppers sting the tongue.

辣椒辣得我舌头发麻。The pepper bit my tongue.

舌头是一个发音器官。Thetongue is a vocal organ.

小儿耳尖舌头长。Little pitcher has long ear.

狗的舌头伸了出来。The dog's tongue lolled out.

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那狗的舌头垂在外面。The dog's tongue lolled out.

辣椒辣得他舌头发烧。The pepper burnt his tongue.

因为我刚才咬到舌头了。Because I just bit my tongue.

会谈话的舌头是一件优良的兵器。A good argot is a good weapon.

舌头虽软,对人的伤害却可很硬。A soft tongue may strike hard.

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格里夫会割了我的舌头。Griff would cut my tongue out.

理查德,伸出你的舌头。Stick out your tongue,Richard.

这狗伸出了舌头。The dog lolled its tongue out.

他真的切下了自己的舌头吗?Did he just cut his tongue out?

“这是他的舌头,”杜蒙说。It's his tongue, ' said Dumont.

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系带前和填充的舌头。Lace-up front and padded tongue.

猫的舌头在我手上舐来舐去。The cat's tongue rasped my hand.

因为我刚刚咬破自己的舌头。Cause I've just bitten my tongue!