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听众们听得如痴如醉。The audience listens in ecstasies.

几滴的吗啡将令他如痴如醉。A few drops of morphia will knock him out.

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正当我如痴如醉时,一阵微风吹来,枫叶徐徐地飘了起来。As I push, a breeze, maple leaf slowly and float up.

我从书架上取下一本书,就会立刻如痴如醉。I would pick up a book from the shelf and fall in love.

珂赛特如痴如醉,心花怒放,惊恐不安,象进了天堂。Cosette was intoxicated, delighted, frightened, in heaven.

绿竹婆演奏起“”曲谱,令狐冲听得如痴如醉,遥想往事。Green bamboo woman play opern, horse, yao can make fox blunt past.

而她对土地如痴如醉的热爱也足够帮助自己赢得新丰收。Her obsessive concern is hiring enough help to bring in the new harvest.

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大卫对这种音乐向来是如痴如醉。如果你送他这盘CD,他非乐疯了不可。David is a sucker for this kind of music. If you get him the CD, he'll be crazy.

他对编码的如痴如醉,注定他只是一个很好的打工仔而非领导者。As great as he is with code, he makes for a much better worker bee than a leader.

我悄然坐在一块礁石上,以手支颊,凝神倾听,如痴如醉。I sat quietly on a rock in order to support hand-cheek, listening attentively, joy.

是因为年少的疯狂才爱着如痴如醉,还是爱上了等待的感觉?Because the young crazy to love delude one to folly, or love the feeling of waiting?

古天乐以新一代赌侠形象出现,并将冷酷形象发挥得淋漓尽致,教影迷如痴如醉。Louis Koo Duxia image to a new generation, and cold image on its head, the fans were sitting.

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悠然的梦境、绽放的花朵、你款款而来、钻石般的闪耀、如你、如梦、如痴如醉。And carefree dreams, blossom, you slowly while diamonds shine, as you, like a dream, and fogs.

林德太太给安妮送来干净的被子时发现她还如痴如醉地盯着那面镜子。Mrs. Lynde found her still staring dreamily in the mirror when she came in, bringing clean towels.

要令她高潮迭起如痴如醉的话,你需要有节奏的刺激她。You’ll need to stimulate your partner rhythmically in order give her multiple mind-blowing orgasms.

都是少男少女,正是懵懂的时节,对于爱情充满着迤逦的想象,如梦如幻,如痴如醉。Are teenagers, is the silly season, for love is full of Yili imagination, dreamlike, delude one to folly.

提高你的电影制作技能,尽可能地获取导演的经验,要如痴如醉地学习并按照电影导演的安排去做。Develop your craft, gain as much experience as possible, learn like crazy and work your way up to film editor.

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尤其是那段长达十几分钟的“杰里克舞会”的舞蹈,场面宏大,激情澎湃,让人看得如痴如醉。Especially as long as ten minutes that the "jie rick party" dance, the scene grand, passionate, let people watch out.

三人也在现场清唱了这几首新歌,优美的合声让所有人听得如痴如醉。The trio also sang these new songs a capella on the spot. Their beautiful harmonizing completely mesmerized everyone.

这种狂喜是内向性的,是读者在阅读过程中所体验的一种如痴如醉的极至的快感。This ecstasy is introspective and is an obsessing and extreme delight that can be experienced during the process of reading.