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空气中弥漫着燃香的香气…The air was sweet with incense.

微风吹送玫瑰花香气。A breeze wafts the smell of roses.

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橙花和豆蔻的阵阵香气Odours of orange-flowers and spice

淡淡的香气,荡漾在心尖之上。Faint aroma, rippling over the apex.

那是一个遍地鲜花,香气袭人的地方。It was a land fragrant with flowers.

忍冬花放出香气。The honeysuckle was streaming scent.

此酒悠悠散发着梅子香气。This dissemination of plum wine aroma.

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鱼饵香气四溢,味道鲜美。Overflowing bait aroma, taste delicious.

香气四溢的晨风轻松的呼召。The breezy call of incense-breathing Morn.

时之间,他的家竟满室香气。And when he was between room full of aroma.

此酒因烤面包的香气使风味更为均衡。The wine is balanced with flavors of toast.

红皮果实、黑莓及紫羅蘭香气。Aromas of red fruits, blackberry and violet.

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其香气鲜灵浓郁,持久。Its fragrance fresh spirit is rich, lasting.

产出的葡萄酒入口柔软,香气馥郁。The resulting wines are soft and flavorsome.

洋李干、黑樱桃,以及一丝香草可可的香气。Prunes, black cherry, hints of vanilla cocoa.

所以,据我猜测,他握在舵柄的手大概还散发着香气吧。So I guess he was a sweet hand at the tiller.

甜美的死亡造出了最甜美的香气。Of their sweet deaths are sweetest odours made

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那香气散发着青山和健康的清爽味道。That clean scent of mountains and good health.

成熟柑橘类水果以及矿物香气。Ripe citrus fruits aromas with some minerality.

浓郁的深色水果和樱桃酒的香气。A pronounced intensity of red fruits and kirsch.