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远足时要轻装上阵。When traveling, pack light.

必要时轻装上阵。Travel light when necessary.

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我轻装上阵,带了大行李袋。I packed light and carried a big duffel.

如果我可以重新旅行,我会轻装旅游。If I had it to do over, I would travel lighter.

轻装地熔断丝和奔跑,在家制造了炸药炸弹!Light the fuse and run, home made dynamite bombs!

冷静下来,读以下八步指南,然后继续轻装前进。But chill out. Read this eight-step guide, and keep going.

当我轻装,我知道随身带的物品并且知道在那里。When I pack light, I know what I have and where I have it.

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你必须放下包袱才能轻装前进。You have to put your past behind you before you can move on.

如果你想达到目的地,你必须轻装前进。You must lighten the load if you would reach the destination.

因为我们要轻装,我试着不买衣服。I’ve tried not to buy clothes knowing we’ll want to pack light.

当然,这使得团队能够轻装上阵,以更加轻松的心态来开发软件。Which, of course, made it easier for the team to build software.

带着一棵开放的心轻装上阵,活力四射。Travel lighter on your journey with an open heart and feel alive.

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这几个周的洛杉矶骄阳似火,于是我决定“轻装上阵”。It's crazy hot these weeks in LA so I decided to dress accordingly.

有一次,我轻装环游欧洲,随身带着一把原声吉他。Once, i backpacked around europe i brought an acoustic guitar with me.

能源行业分析人士预测,只有那些轻装上阵的企业才能生存。Energy-industry analysts predict that the leanest operators will survive.

有一次,我轻装环游欧洲,随身带着一把原声吉他。Once, I backpacked around Europe and I brought an acoustic guitar with me.

格温特突袭者挥舞长剑,轻装上阵,精于劫掠和突击。These lightly armed and armoured swordsmen are adept at raiding and looting.

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如果积怨、信念或态度让你变得心情沉重的话,那么不妨轻装上阵吧。When an old resentment, belief or attitude becomes heavy, lighten your load.

如果你看我的博客已经有一段时间了,你应该知道我喜欢轻装旅行。If you’ve been reading this blog for awhile, you know I like to travel light.

当旧的怨恨,信仰或态度变得沉重,那么不妨轻装上阵吧。When an old resentment, belief, or attitude becomes heavy, lighten your load.