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我们开车兜兜风好吗?Shall we go for a ridden a car?

你得带我去兜兜风。You have to take me for a ride.

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我们开车在城里兜兜风好吗?Shall we go for a drive in the city?

这件外衣的两侧各有一个小兜兜。The coat has two pockets on each side.

我在一个越来越小的圈子里兜兜转转。I was flying in ever-diminishing circles.

亦或是明天骑脚踏车在住家附近兜兜风?Or maybe a bike ride around the block tomorrow?

也许什么时候我能向你借来兜兜风。And maybe I can borrow it some time and try it out.

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书包一共有四个宽阔的袋子,旁边还带着两个狭小的兜兜。A total of four large bag bag, with two small raced.

天气很棒,我想开车出去兜兜风。The weather is so nice that I want to go for a drive.

行,明早跟我去城里兜兜吧。Well, why don't you come with me to my town tomorrow morning?

我只是想开车在城里兜兜风,看看主要街道。I just want to drive around town and check out the main strip.

一个非常爱我的人去了趟纽约,并带给我这个围兜兜。Someone who loves me very much went to NEW YORK and got me this Bib.

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兜兜转转,回至原点,回到那个我们知道自己被爱着的地方。Round and round, back home again, to the place, where we know we are loved.

你知道的,那种裤子的兜兜很大,从你的屁屁一直连到膝盖。You know, the pockets on the outside start at your hip and go down to your knee.

红尘的几多故事,兜兜转转,缘因都是未能看透。Red Dust's how many stories going round and round edge is not due to see through.

一天的时间也足够了,我们出去兜兜吧,找点乐子,比如去麦当劳。One day is plenty of time, let's hang out and have some fun, like going to McDonalds.

兜兜转转,百转千回,幸福,离我有多远呢?Going around in circles, one hundred thousand turn back, happiness, how far away I do?

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断乎没有�雪兜兜��因为我也是以色列人,亚伯拉罕的后裔,属便雅悯支派的。God forbid. For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin.

但是,当一张熟悉的面孔映入眼帘,我看到威尔逊博士的时候,我觉得自己兜兜转转回到了原点。But when we were greeted by a familiar face, Dr Wilson, I felt like I had come full circle.

今年,长杆罂粟淹没了花园小径,我们只好在沟渠间兜兜转转。This year, the long-necks swamped the garden paths, pressing us to detour through the ditches.