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我总是会扣上它。I always do it.

购物癖害得我总是赤字!I'm in the red.

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它总是死机。It keeps crashing.

我总是感到疲倦。I was always tired.

心理压力总是一个大问题。Stress is a biggie.

别总是给他一巴掌。Choose not to spank.

他总是糊里糊涂的。He always goofs off.

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我们总是坦诚相见。Always speak frankly.

我总是起来得很晚。I always get up late.

这总是使他害怕。It always scared him.

谎言总是无说服力的。Lies are always lame.

好片总是留在最后的。The Best of the last.

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这总是困难的。This is always tough.

它总是用故事来发展自己。It's all event-driven.

但我总是吃得很匆忙。But I always eat hurry.

你总是退避三舍吗?Do you always back off?

我总是在外工作。I usually work outside.

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她总是不拿正眼看我。She always skews at me.

我总是命该如此。This is always my luck.

你为何总是看着她?Why do you look at her?