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他们从贮藏处取出降落伞备用。They broke out the parachutes.

市内水的贮藏量不多。The city's reserve of water is low.

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母体可作为一种贮藏库。A mother's body serves as a reservoir.

这样有利于蒜苔的贮藏。This will benefit garlic bolt storage.

小松鼠将干果贮藏在地洞里。The squirrel stores nuts in its burrow.

它们与其它化学药品分开贮藏。They're kept away from other chemicals.

贮藏足够的钱作你回家的费用。Reserve enough money for your fare home.

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更有工具房供您贮藏需要。And a tool shed for your special storage!

其最佳贮藏期为28天。Thc optimum storage duration was 28 days.

松鼠贮藏胡桃以备过冬。The squirrel stashes away nuts for winter.

许多动物有贮藏植物种子的行为。A large number of animals hoard plant seeds.

用后请保持管口干净,贮藏在阴凉干燥处!Replace the cap. Store in a cool and dry place.

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人类尚未学会贮藏太阳热。Man has not yet learned to store the sun's heat.

他们在地窖里贮藏了蔬菜。They laid up a store of vegetables in the cellar.

松鼠贮藏坚果以备过冬。The squirrel makes a store of nuts for the winter.

在贮藏期间,鲜切荸荠比较容易褐变。During storage, fresh-cut CWC was easy to browning.

农工们为过冬贮藏了5吨草料。The farmers put up five tons of hay for the winter.

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这些蔬菜在20摄氏度以下能够很好地贮藏。The vegetables store well at temperature below 20℃.

他们把剩下的庄稼过了秤并贮藏在阁楼顶层。They measured and lofted the remainder of the crop.

什么时候应该考虑升级你的贮藏条件?When is it time to upgrade your storage conditions?