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不倒翁接力赛。The relay race of tumblers.

不倒翁为什么不倒?Why could the tumbler not fall down?

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爷爷走了,却把不倒翁留给了我。Grandpa left, yet the roly-poly left me.

不倒翁的性格,这也许跟我天生的固执有关?Roly-poly character, perhaps innate stubbornness about me?

我在那个摊头买了个寿星不倒翁。I bought a roly? poly of the God of Longevity at that stall.

首先打开你的大门,并检查了不倒翁密码锁。First open your front door and check for a pin tumbler lock on it.

不倒翁虽然不会摔倒,但也因此不会前进一步。A "daruma" although won't fall, but also so not meeting the further.

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在这种情况下,我们必须要正确定位底部不倒翁第一。In that case, we'll have to correctly position the bottom tumbler first.

不倒翁有两种,一种为水钙铝榴石玉,另一种为玉髓蛋白石玉。Budaoweng has two kinds, one is hydrogrossular, the other is chalcedony-opal.

我对弹性的个人图像是一个不倒翁。My personal image of resilience is a large blow-up figure weighted at the bottom.

不倒翁是一种底重头轻的玩具﹐以你把它推倒还能自动归正。A" daruma" is a toy that, being weighed on the bottom, rights itself if you tip it over.

如果你想要的终极工具制造堆肥堆肥然后需要找一个不倒翁。If you want the ultimate tool for creating compost then you need to get a compost tumbler.

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不倒翁一旦打破,不把任何进一步,进入下一个,等等。Once the tumbler has broken, do not push any further and proceed to the next one , and so on.

不倒翁,就是每次被压倒都会自己站起来的玩具。A roly-poly toy, tilting doll, tumbler or wobbly man is a toy that rights itself when pushed over.

但是,我六是你网上发表你堆肥不倒翁权在大多数情况下你的门。However, if you purchase online your compost tumbler is delivered right to your door in most cases.

在这些最简单的,解除以上一定高度不倒翁将使螺栓滑过去。In the simplest of these, lifting the tumbler above a certain height will allow the bolt to slide past.

是啊,不倒翁多么坚强啊,每次摔倒都能勇敢地站起来。Grandpa left, yet the roly-poly left me. Yes ah, ah tumbler is so strong, each fall can bravely stand up.

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但是地球的摆动一直在进行,就像传说中描绘的那样,犹如不倒翁的顶部,从一边到另一边在来回摆动着。But the wobble is constantly on the move, as legend has described it, like a top wobbling from side to side.

本品是集不倒翁沙包及速度球和永春木人桩于一体的多功能木人桩。This product is a multi-purpose wooden dummy integrating tumbler sandbag, speed ball and Wing Chun wooden dummy.

那时候,天空已不再是那么蓝,学习、生活、爱情,越来越多的烦恼像不倒翁一样晃来晃去。At that time, the sky no longer is that blue, the study, the life, love, more and more worry tumbler sway equally likely.