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迷蒙的冰河开冻了。The misty river of ice was thawing.

芳汀也许就在迷蒙的暮色中。Perhaps Fantine was within that shadow.

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提供新闻和文章迷蒙。Provider of news and articles about misty.

被白天的火焰和悲伤迷蒙了眼睛。Blinded by the fire and the sorrow of the day.

窄窄的巷子盛满迷蒙的灯光一直延伸远去。A narrow alley filled the misty light extends far away.

当你的心着火了,你必须了解烟雾会迷蒙你的眼。Whe your heart' o you must realize moke get i your eyes.

让的像迷蒙的雨,润物无声,却使江河彭湃。Let your love be like the misty rain, coming softly, but flooding the river.

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梦中走向了烟水迷蒙的江南路,走遍了江南大地,也未能与离别的心上人相遇。Thee dream into the Jiangnan Water Road, do not meet the Jiangnan, and from.

我发出红色信号,穿越你双眼的迷蒙,你双眼像灯塔边的海洋波翻浪涌。I send out red signals across your absent eyes that move like the sea near a lighthouse.

迷蒙烟雨里,回忆温馨着,有些模糊,难以和现实的目光对峙。Misty misty rain, warm memories, some fuzzy, difficult and realistic look confrontation.

上周,当我坐了一夜飞机、睡眼迷蒙地回到家,每个人都在问我这个问题。everyone asked last week when I pitched up at home bleary-eyed after an overnight flight.

迷蒙之中呈现出来的那庞然大物,十分壮观,寂然不动而气度非凡,那就是中国的长城。There in the mist, enormous, majestic, silent, and terrible, stood the Great Wall of China.

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清脆悦耳的笛声从长笛飘出,飘到树上,飘进清晨雾霭迷蒙的山谷。The clear sweet sound floated out over the trees and down into the misty, early morning valley.

这样的风气也影响了唐代女性从而使她们的心灵世界弥漫着迷蒙的道教情怀。The vogue also affected the poetess whose spiritual world were suffused hazy concern of Taoism.

还有你遮住了大街小巷,迷蒙蒙一片,很容易发生交通事故。Have you covered many a fine, high streets and back lanes, traffic accidents are likely to happen.

这种风气同样也影响了唐代女性,从而使她们的诗歌和心灵世界弥漫著迷蒙的道教情怀。Similarly, the vogue influences females in the Tang Dynasty whose spiritual world is full of Taoist concern.

迷蒙沧茫的灰白暗喻中国水墨画烟云翻腾、烟岚缭绕的山水景观。The indistinct touch of ash gray insinuates the rolling clouds and wreathing mists of Chinese ink landscapes.

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他睡眼迷蒙地望着雪花,银色的、暗暗的雪花,迎着灯光在斜斜地飘落。It had begun to snow again. He watched sleepily the flakes, silver and dark, falling obliquely against the lamplight.

迷蒙的雨幕掩住我们每日所见的景物,村子里一切劳动已经停止,牧场上杳无人迹。The everyday world is hidden in thedimness of the rain, all work has stopped in the village, the meadows are desolate.

迷蒙的雨幕掩住我们每日所见的景物,村子里一切劳动已经停止,牧场上杳无人迹。The everyday world is hidden in the dimness of the rain, all work has stopped in the village, the meadows are desolate.