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我们有什么应对良策吗?How well are we doing?

终非良策。It's not a good plan after all.

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而多路数据访问是解决这一问题的良策。Multipath data access is a remedy to this issue.

但情况紧急,别无其他良策。But the exigency of the case admitted of no alternatives.

在床上阅读是很久以来促进睡眠的良策。Reading in bed is an age-old trick for quickly getting to sleep.

对不起,这位朋友,对于你提到的这个问题我暂无良策!Sorry , this friend , I have no idea what you are talking about.

“别和人民银行作对”按说是目前的良策。"Don't fight the People's Bank" says that's the right strategy now.

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除去这间教室,我们应该感谢大卫·斯文森,学校的许多设施都得益于他的投资良策Don't thank David Swensen for this room but for a lot of other things.

在社交方面所有的良策之中诚信应列在首位。On the list of good policies in social contact, honesty should be at the top.

医生们都知道尼古丁有成瘾性,也有治疗的良策。Doctors knew that nicotine was addictive, and they had ways to treat the addiction.

证实切除术和胸大肌辫重建是治疗胸骨廔管的良策。Resection and reconstruction with flaps proved a good method to treat sternal fistulae.

除非企业面临破产,否则在头100天做很多事情并非良策。Unless the company faces bankruptcy, it is a bad idea to do much in the first 100 days.

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潮流变来变去,但是诚实作为交友的良策却永远也不会改变。Fashions come and go, but honesty as the best policy in making friends will never change.

这次的圆桌会议将会有助于产生这样的良策---我们需要这些良策来赢得未来。These roundtables will help generate those ideas – ideas America needs to win the future.

除立法与司法之外,非法律预防机制也是预防权利发生冲突的良策。Besides lawmaking and justice, non-legal prevent system is a good plan for right conflict.

官居此位,却从未有人能提出解决这一债务的现实良策,甚至理论上也未曾提出过。And no one in a position to act has proposed a realistic way out of this debt, not even in theory.

布什将从11月14日开始主持为期两天的G20领导人峰会,商讨应对经济危机的良策。Beginning Nov. 14, Bush will host a two-day summit of G-20 leaders to deal with the economic crisis.

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提高增长以及消灭贫穷的旧达沃斯共识任然对良策有指导意义。The old Davos consensus of boosting growth and combating poverty is still a better guide to good policy.

打麻将正和作战相同,知己知彼,方是良策,所以得看清局势。Playing mahjong is fighting the same enemy and know yourself, is a good way, so have to see the situation.

我们是亚洲理财第一团队,为顾客提供最佳的理财良策,是最谨慎、最值得信赖的财策顾问。We are No. 1 Financial Group in Asia, the most preferred RFS consultants providing best financial solutions.