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你早晨做早操吗/锻炼吗?。Do you do morning exercises?

我们在做早操!We are doing morning exercise!

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我们每天都做早操。We do morning exercises every day.

他们天天做早操。They do morning exercises every day.

做早操多我们有好处。Doing morning exercises is good for us.

每天早上做早操对我们很有好处。Doing morning exercises does good to us.

做早操对你们有好处。Doing morning exercises is good for you.

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学生们六点做早操。The students do morning exercises at six.

做早操对你的健康有利。Doing morning exercises is of good health.

花点时间做早操是值得的。Doing morning exercises is worth the time.

孩子们,我们一起来做早操。Come on, children. Let's do morning exercises.

做早操对我们健康是有好处的。Doing morning exercise is good for our health.

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做早操对你身体有好处吗?Is doing morning exercises good for your health?

他已经懒于做早操了。He has become lazy about doing morning exercises.

早操有助于我们为一天做好准备。Morning excises help us to get ready for the day.

他发现许多人在那做早操。He found a lot of people doing morning exercise there.

今天早晨七点他们在做早操。They were doing morning exercises at seven this morning.

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学生们收拾起书本做早操。The students laid away their books to do morning exercises.

当他们正在做早操时,突然下了阵雨。While they are doing morning exercises, it suddenly shower.

他们围着桌子坐。他们这里不做早操。They sit around tables. They don't do morning exercises here.