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它们的词性是代词。They are the pronouns.

对名词性物主代词进行总结。The possessive form of nouns.

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他们是否有词性方面的错误?Do they have errors in word formation ?

名词性连词,“第一次,一…就”It is the first time that I have been late.

名词性隐喻是使用频率最大的一种隐喻。Noun Metaphor covers a large proportion of the metaphorical use.

文中构建了一个基于最大熵结合中文词语聚类的词性标注器。The paper built a POS tagger based on MaxEnt and word clustering.

大多数字典会提供每个字的词性和缘由。Most dictionaries give the etymology, or the origin, of each word.

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非名词性词语在一定条件下也能充当施事。Under certain conditions, non-nominal words can also act as agents.

“没有VP之前”是由否定标记、动词性成分和时间标记组成的结构。"Meiyou VP Zhiqian" is formed by negative mark, verbal part and time mark.

字典里的单词只会有一种词性。The words are not case sensitive and Subject-Verb Agreement does not matter.

第四章为对形容词性分句在句子层面上的研究。Chapter four is about the research of adjective clauses in a sentential level.

尽管它们的词性不同,你可以把它们看做同义词。These words could be synonymized although they are not the same part of speech.

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而有关蒙古文自动词性标注方面的研究还欠缺。But, the relevant Mongolian automatic part-of-speech tagging studies still lack.

英语写作中的词性错误不容易纠正,特别是提供正面证据输入的随堂语法教学。The error type of Word Class was not very easy to treat through giving PE input.

句子中心是谓词,题元在句子中由名词性成分充任。Sentence center is predicate, topic sentences yuan in nominal element ACTS as, by.

体词性谓语现象是一种语言现象。Nominal predication and verbalized noun are two phenomena in Contemporary, Chinese.

名词性隐喻对合同语言特点的形成起到最为重要的作用。Nominalizing metaphors play a predominant role in forming the features of contract.

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得到模型参数之后采用VITERBI算法进行自动词性标注。The model parameters to be used VITERBI automatic part-of-speech tagging algorithm.

五大类连字式复合词的词性排序在三个语料库中也无显著差别。Besides, there is no difference in the orders of the five types in the three corpora.

是陈述句,又是单句、动词性非主谓句。Is a statement, it is a single sentence, the verb the non-subject-predicate sentence.