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让我们来验算一下。Let's just check this.

并验算了结构的成桥应力。Checking the stree of the structure.

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对畚斗带强度进行了验算和校核。The strength of bucket belts is calculated and checked.

以开卷机为例对自学习式成本估算法进行验算。Coiler cost estimate is performed through self-learning method.

本文给出了启动时间和电机功率的验算方法。The paper presents how to check starting time and motors power.

尽管经过数次验算,他还是对该答案不敢相信。He still stuck on the answer although he had checked several times.

并研究了体外预应力加固结构的设计和验算方法。And it's also researched that the method of design and checking calculation.

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通过两个数值算例,验算了数控铣削加工余量优化流程。Two numerical examples are operated to check milling allowance optimization.

验算钢骨混凝土转换梁的挠度和裂缝宽度。The deflection and the crack width of the SRC transfer girder are calculated.

经过验算,指出此方案各部分均满足抗弯、抗剪等要求。Furthermore, this plan is testified to meet the request of bending and shearing.

十字形截面轴心钢压杆有必要进行扭转屈曲的验算,计算方法宜采用换算长细比法。Axial steel struts of crisscross section need to be checked on torsional buckling.

验算结果表明,本文公式与试验结果符合良好。The calculated results are shown to agree with experimental data of push-out tests.

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经对工程实例验算,验证了本研究的可靠性和实用性。Their reliability and practicality are tested and verified by an engineering example.

优化计算结束要进行效率验算并给出所配电动机的型号和规格。Also , an efficiency check computations is necessary after the optimization calculation.

对伸臂桁架腹杆,其轴力屈服验算方法采用钢结构规范的计算公式复核。Axial yield of outrigger web was checked by calculation formulas in the steel structures code.

利用有限元方法分析验算了机座和转子的强度。Analysing and calculating the strength of generator frame and rotor with finite element method.

根据这个传递比例,提出栓钉验算和柱脚底板计算的方法。Based on this finding, the design methods of shear stud and the column base plate are proposed.

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例证验算表明,用于匹配不同延迟偿还率下的计算方法是可行的。Exemplification shows that the calculating method of matching different delay ratio is feasible.

我认为,对于两种数学验算哪个更好的问题,太空异形在大部分情况下会和我们意见一致。I expect space aliens would agree with us most of the time about which of two proofs was better.

而NP问题,则是困难处理的,但得到答案后,相对前者容易验算。NP problems are much tougher to solve but relatively easy to check once you've reached an answer.