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一天她帮我杀死了一只老在我家探头探脑的大老鼠。One day she helped me kill a huge rat that was hanging around our house.

他从不探头探脑,问东问西,也从来不会把有钱寡妇们列成名单。He never poked around, never asked questions, never made a list of wealthy widows.

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我说你跟我老婆亲嘴!你有什么话说。——可别让我再看到你偷偷摸摸的探头探脑。I say you kiss my wife! What have you to say. – Don't let me catch you snooping again!

我猜,我也可以窥视朋友的“金读”电子书,但是这一样吗?要是在公共汽车或咖啡店这样探头探脑,你大概会被抓。And try that kind of snooping on a bus or in a coffee shop and you'll probably get arrested.

海燕贴着水面低飞觅食,海蜇像一把把小伞似的在水中探头探脑地飘浮着。Swallow flying close to the surface of foraging, jellyfish like a small umbrella like was floating in the water.

一只小条斑鱼躲在水面的树叶底下,正探头探脑地跟自己玩捉迷藏。A small streak fish hiding under the leaves floating on the water, are stealthily working to play hide-and-seek with her own.

有些人刚刚为抢夺毒品和酒精打架输掉了,其他人则向老人们的家里探头探脑。Some are evidently fighting a losing battle with drugs and alcohol, while others look more in keeping with an old folks' home.

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其中的一个段落,或可能只是一个句子,被剪了下来,在原来的位置上留下了一扇窗户,让后一页上的文字探头探脑地露了出来。A paragraph, or maybe just a sentence, has been sliced out, leaving a window in its place, with words from the next page peeping through.

只要危机能推高恐惧,回报低就不算什么,但现在投资者愿意冒险了,他们探头探脑要找更好的东西。Yields that low were OK as long as the crisis kept fear high, but now that investors are willing to take risks again, they're on the prowl for something better.

一只是狐狸被她踏在落时上的轻轻的脚步声所惊醒,探头探脑地望着珠儿,似乎拿不定主意,是悄悄溜走,还是呆在原地继续它的瞌睡。A fox, startled from his sleep by her light footstep on the leaves, looked inquisitively at Pearl, as doubting whether it were better to steal off, or renew his nap on the same spot.