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“你是受欢迎的,”白兔回答。“You’re welcome,” White Rabbit answers.

这时候,美丽的白兔看到了鹰。At that time,the beautiful White Rabbit saw Eagle.

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白兔穿过月光沐浴的草地,一处又一处。The rabbit crawls through the grass from moonlit place to place.

白兔会带给爱丽丝惊喜吗?请叫听下期节目。Can the rabbit give Alice surprise? Please listen to the next program.

国王有点担心,于是让白兔传下一个证人。The King looked worried and told the White Rabbit to call another witness.

如同魔术师变出白兔一样,我则掏出一颗孤独寂寞的心来。Then, like a conjurer with his white rabbit, I produced the solitary heart.

原来爱丽丝恰巧走在白兔的旁边,白兔正焦急地偷愉看着她的脸呢。She was walking by the White Rabbit, who was peeping anxiously into her face.

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李祥石的得意门生——吴素霞,在「白兔记」一戏中的造型。The student of whom Li is most proud, Wu Su-hsia, in The Story of the White Rabbit.

本例日本大耳白兔自发子宫内膜癌属腺癌。This case of Japanese big-ear rabbit spontaneous endometrial carcinoma is adenocarcinoma.

于是,爱丽丝讲她的故事了,她从瞧见那只白兔讲起,在刚开始的时候,她还有点不安——那两个动物坐得离她那么近,一边一个,眼睛和嘴又睁得那么大。So Alice began telling them her adventures from the time when she first saw the White Rabbit.

方法新西兰白兔48只,结扎兔冠状动脉左旋支,建立急性心肌梗死模型。Methods A ligation model of left circumflex branch coronary artery was established in 48 rabbits.

魔术师挥舞着他的魔棒,念了句咒语,然后从帽子里拉出一只白兔来。The magician waved his magic wand, cried 'Abracadabra', and pulled a white rabbit out of his hat.

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茕茕白兔,东走西顾,衣不如新,人不如故。Alone white rabbit, West east walks attends to, The clothes is inferior newly, Human not as before.

英国连锁超市特易购说,它已撤回白兔奶油糖果作为一项预防措施。British supermarket chain Tesco said that it had withdrawn White Rabbit Creamy Candies as a precautionary measure.

士兵们都站在红桃杰克周围,国王旁边站着白兔,手里拿着一个喇叭。Soldiers stood all around the Knave of Hearts, and near the King was the White Rabbit, with a trumpet in one hand.

她说着到了一幢整洁的小房子前,门上挂着一块明亮的黄铜小牌子,刻着“白兔先生”。As she said this, she came upon a neat little house, on the door of which was a bright brass plate with the name ‘W.

白兔在喇叭上吹了三下,然后摊开那卷羊皮纸,宣读如下On this the White Rabbit blew three blasts on the trumpet, and then unrolled the parchment scroll, and read as follows

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方法新西兰白兔随机分为对照组、单纯高脂组、赤芍高剂量组、低剂量组。Methods Rabbits were randomly divided into control group, cholesterol group and Paeoniae rubra group of high and low dose.

为研究脑震荡与环枢椎半脱位的关系,选50只健康大耳白兔进行实验。In order to study the relation between brain concussion atlantoaxial subluxation, 50 healthy rabbits were chosen for this study.

小鼹鼠和白兔一起拥挤着不想让刺猬进来,但它们看到刺猬满身刺时,它们不再争论了,它们让出了一点空间。The mole and the rabbit were bumped and jostled, but not being ones to argue with someone covered with prickles, they made room.