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这些淳朴的乡民来自于一个偏远的乡村。The honest villagers came from a lonely village.

从乡民到市民,以及生存的挑战From Rusticitas to Urbanitas and the challenge of survival

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以后他每个月的薪资呢,我就全部还给你们这些乡民,好不好?All his salary every month, i will give you all villagers, ok?

马勺采用树材,制作简便,历代农家乡民必备。Ladle with wood, simple production, the peasant villagers must.

乡民的婚丧、居住等习俗也受到自然灾害的严重影响。Villagers residence custom was also influenced by natural calamity.

一群骑乘着飞行魔兽的奥术施法者让乡民们惊恐不安。A gang of arcane spell casters on flying mounts terrorizes the countryside.

读者还是喜欢伊桑?布兰德而讨厌故事里那些土头土脑的乡民。这他是阻止不了的。He cannot prevent the reader from preferring Ethan Brand to the cloddish villagers of the tale.

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来自纳西族的乡民通过在沿着河道的小山上挖井来收集盐水。Villagers of the Naxi ethnic group drill wells on the hills along the rivertocollect salt water.

他意识到东洛锡安地区乡民并没有利用图书馆。He became concerned that many people in the East Lothian countryside did not have access to libraries.

它刷新了读者的审美视野,让人感受到了作者对一方乡民的温情关怀。It renews the reader's aesthetic view and makes him feel the author's feeling towards the ordinary people.

某日,男主角当众严惩偷盗日军物资的乡民,女主角看不过去,与男主角发生激烈争吵。One day, a man is punished in public goods stolen Japanese villagers, the female lead can not see past a heated argument with the actor.

他以强力创新的一系列中篇小说,描写乡野、纪实乡民、演绎乡情、雕缕乡心,体现了根植现实的深厚内蕴。He writes a series of Medium-length novels which tell us what home village is, what the villagers is, and what village feeling and heart is.

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庆幸的是,美浓因环境封闭、乡民个性保守,而让传统文化得以传承。Fortunately, due to the isolated environment and conservative personalities of the villagers, Meinung let this traditional culture to pass along.

以张炜、赵德发与李贯通的乡民小说为例,我们发现乡民社会在三位作家的文学梦想中代表着不同的精神旨归。We can take the "Native novels" of Zhang Wei, Zhao Defa and Li Guantong for examples and we find that "native society" has different mental belongings.

乾隆走后,这里的乡民知道了当今的皇帝曾在此河沐浴,更自发爱护此河,只做酿酒之用。After Qianlong left, the villagers got to know that the emperor had once bathed in Chishui River, therefore, they took care of the water more carefully.

鄂西北的南漳县境内至今存留着大量的堡寨聚落,这些堡寨在历史上曾对保卫乡里、庇护乡民发挥过积极的防御作用。Amount of fort-type settlements spread all over Nanzhang County in Hubei Province, which had played an important role of defensive in warfare in history.

希望透过这个网页,能让大村所有的乡民更能认识大村国中及其网球,且期望网球能成为一项全民运动。We hope that we can provide people the related messages and suggestions. Furthermore, we hope that there will be more and more people to like this sport.

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频整顿吏治,安定社会,发官仓赈济灾民,雇乡民疏通六门堰,按故道引水灌田。Frequency rectify the official, stable society, made official position relief victims, employed villagers to clear the six weirs, cited by oxbow pour field.

北洋政府时期,土匪活动猖獗,由于政府无法保护乡民的生命财产安全,乡民只好自己采取各种措施防匪。Because the government couldn t protect the peasants life and property, the peasants adopted a series of measures to guard against the bandits all by themselves.

居民住在乡村的山腰上,房子都是由竹子建的,考察队挨家挨户的拜访他们,与乡民们交谈,记录下他们的词汇。Going door to door among the bamboo houses that sit on stilts in the hillside villages of the region, the team spoke to villagers and recorded their vocabularies.