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草动知风向/见微知著…A straw shows which way the wind blows.

见微知著,小小的言行足以反映出一个人的教养与修为。One’s quality and temperament can be clearly reflected by his small deeds.

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见微知著,母亲的一言一行、一举一动,都渗透着丝丝爱意。Such modest beginnings, the mother's words and acts, are permeated with love Cecil.

见微知著,德国对饲料污染事件的处置过程正是体现了上述理念。Corners, Germany during the disposal of contaminated feed is a manifestation of the above concept.

文本以个人化、真实、生动又清新的叙述,震撼读者,让读者见微知著。His writings are a mixture of personality, realism, vividness and originality, which deeply impresses readers.

当然,之所以知此见微知著的探照出社会百态也得益于作者精湛的叙事艺术。Of course, the profound reflection of conditions of society has benefited from the author's superb narrative art.

“那些没有被暗示的,是思想上不坚定的,我们并不知道是谁——见微知著即可将其排除在外,”她说道。“Someone who is unhinged, someone who is mentally unstable, we don't know – the slightest thing could set them off,” she said.

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但是,这并不代表当今社会是一个没有规律的存在,正相反这是一个见微知著的时代。However, this does not necessarily mean that there is no ruling perspective, but rather the value of many smaller viewpoints can win a bigger one.

配合是心理学研究、是见微知著、是看得懂眉头眼额,更重要的,是对老闆和公司品味的掌握。With the psychological research, is the whole through observation, is to understand brows eyes of, but more importantly, the company boss and taste the subject.

从2003年开始,党中央、国务院见微知著,针对经济生活中一些苗头性、倾向性问题,陆续采取了一系列调控措施。Since 2003, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council have seen what is coming from small clues of trends and tendencies in economic life in, and adopted a series of control measures.