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二次曲线的准线。The directrix line of a conic.

你们的内页应该有准线,应该更好画You probably have lined paper, that makes this easier.

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我们就是抛物线,你是焦点,我是准线。We just parabola, you is the focal point and I am alignment.

在头倒立中找到准线是一件非常美好的事情。When you find your line in Headstand, it's a beautiful thing.

地下水深度沿着运河的对准线变化的。Groundwater depth is variable along the alignment of the canal.

其次,准线和横梁的交叉点也处于页面顶部和左侧的三分之一处。Secondary alignments occur with the beams on the top third and left third.

在某种程度上有一个空白在这对准线,代办处费用将累积。To the extent that there is a gap in this alignment, agency costs will accrue.

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当你在山式中找到准线时,你就很容易在头倒立中找到平衡。Once you find proper alignment in Tadasana, you'll balance with ease in Headstand.

您能通过注意在水平和地板之间的对准线检查成水平。You can check the leveling by noticing the alignment between the level and the floor.

以冯元桢教授的准线性理论得出了正常组和病态组膝关节软骨松弛函数表达式,并对实验结果进行了分析讨论。By Feng YZ s the semi-linear theory we obtained the relaxation function of the normal and morbid group.

光标仅沿着曲线移动,十字准线显示指定的垂足和切线扩展到曲线的任意一点。Crosshairs appear to indicate the perpendicular and tangent lines that extend from any point on the curve.

我们必须不断地使自己变得更加专业,那是我们检验进步和成功的准线。We had to become ever-more professional, because that was the lens through which we interpreted progress and success.

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所以,为了在这个体式中使用最少的时间和努力投入,学习头倒立准线是非常重要的。So it's well worth your while to put in the minimal investment of time and effort it takes to learn good Headstand alignment.

做些搜索去找出这个二次曲线的名称以及顶点,焦点,中心点以及准线是怎样与这个图形有关的?Do some research to find the name of this conic and the how the words vertices, foci, centre and directrix relate to this shape.

但在大坝视准线法不等精度观测中,由该基本定权公式推导的实用定权公式与测量平差书上的实用定权公式不一致。But the practical formula for deciding weight derived from this basic formula is different from tha written in the books of survey adjustment.

在此基础上给出了准线应满足的基本条件、共轭曲面的诱导曲率、不干涉条件与准线曲率轴之间的关系等。Based on the geometry characteristics of Bertrand surfaces, the complicated surface conjugation issue can be discussed with their directrix line.

这样,冷却下来的锗原子就会变得略微松散开来,以保持和硅原子统一准线。The atoms of the cooling germanium tried to maintain their alignment with the silicon atoms, so they ended up farther apart than they would ordinarily be.

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在工程施工过程中,如果工程的位置、标高尺寸或准线出现错误,承包商应修正上述错误。If there is any mistake in the position, dimension of height mark or reference line of the construction, the contractor shall amended it during construction.

前共和党副总统候选人佩林的政治组织在因特网上发布了一个图像,显示吉福兹的选区在枪支瞄准的十字准线中。Former Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin’s political organization posted an Internet ad with a graphic showing Giffords’ district in crosshairs.

遗憾的是,由于其矩阵表达式有些复杂,一般都将修改后的第一辅助准线表示为代数形式。The pity is that the first auxiliary directrix after modification is generally expressed in an algebraic form, because of the complexity of the vectorial expression.