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我想打针也没用。I think it is no use.

我需要打针吗?Do I need an injection?

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必要时她会给她自己打针的。She can needle herself if need be.

海盗莫迪不喜欢打针。The pirate Modi did not like shots.

情况这么紧急。那你得打针了。In such an emergency, you need injections.

每天要在医院打针!Granny has to transfuse in hospital everyday.

敏敏怕打针,怕医生,怕开刀。Min scare the needles, doctors and operation.

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打针后她的疼痛开始减轻了。After the injection her pain began to ease off.

好的,情况相当严重,我想你应该打针。Yes, it's quite serious. I think you need a shot.

树树也打针,相当稀奇。流感!Tree tree injections, rather surprising. Influenza!

孩子们到卫生室去给打针。The kids went to the clinic to be given an injection.

常用降压药我不喜欢打针,能吃些口服药吗?I hconsumed injections, Can I take the medicine orally?

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“至于打针,”我说,“打针就像别的事情一样。“As for the needles, ” I say, “they’re like anything else.

无需打针,无痛,也不需要开处方,方便而又实惠。No needles, no pain, no prescription- convenient and affordable.

生病了!打针了!照顾自己!希望每个人都健康!Sick! injections! Take care of myself! Hope everyone is healthy!

护士用注射器给患者打针。The nurse injected some medicinesintosthe patient with a needle.

对于个人健康来说,拒绝打针是最糟糕的事情了。Refusing injections is the worst thing you can do to your health.

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她打针时手重了些。She pressed the patient a bit too hard when she gave him an injection.

不过那个给我打针的小护士可真是值得多看几眼,的确是非常的漂亮。But the little nurse giving an injection to me is really very beautiful.

他们给他打针时用了三个护士把他按住。It took three nurses to hold him down while they gave him the injection.