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那台压路机把松软的土碾平了。The road roller crushed the soft dirt.

蒸汽压路机用来修筑道路。A steam roller is used in making and repairing roads.

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他们正在用压路机压平操场。They were rolling the playground with a steam-roller.

新系统采用了提请压路机和医生的刀片。The new system utilizes a draw roller and doctor blade.

除掘土机外,还有三台压路机要装。Besides the excavators there are three road rollers to load.

有时候巨大岩石崩落埋没了压路机及其他机器。Huge rockslides at times bury bulldozers and other machines.

不同类型的覆膜有不同数量的压路机。Different types of laminators have different amounts of rollers.

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它可以改变材料的压路机和搜集材料不攻自破。It can change material roller and collect materials automatically.

而手扶式振动压路机,国内尚无较成熟的产品。There are no more mature domestic Walk-behind vibratory roller product.

这是从手臂一把椅子,剃刀滑板车和压路机叶片和其它木材。It's made from a chair arm, Razor Scooter and Roller Blade and misc wood.

主要经营常林牌装载机,压路机,平地机。Mainly manages Chang Linpai the car loader, the bulldozer, the road roller.

也许有人会想他可能就是政治的压路机。One might even perhaps aptly consider that he was steamrollered politically.

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压路机压碎我的希望,电焊机也不能缝合我的悲伤。I hope that the roller crushing, welding machine, I can not suture the sorrow.

有人形容这种类型的策略是“在压路机前面拣硬币”。Such strategies have been described as "picking up nickels in front of steamrollers".

爬坡能力是压路机作业能力的一项主要技术性能。Grade ability is an important technical performance in compactor operation capability.

主要产品有轻型压路机、混凝土整平机、工程照明车等。The main products are light roller, concrete leveling machine, engineering, light trucks.

通过对振动压路机振动器偏心距的微量调节,实现振幅的无级调节。The ungraded amplitude is realized by adjusting the vibrator eccentricity of the roller,.

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探讨了压路机在压实施工中,压实质量的动态控制问题。This paper studied the problem of rolling quality's dynamic control in rolling construction.

小型压路机的销售在欧洲,今年预计的一半,他们在2007年。Mini- Road roller sales in Europe this year are expected to be half of what they were in 2007.

它广泛用于液压挖掘机,振动式压路机和其它工程机械。It is widely used hydraulic excavators, vibratory road roller and other Construction machinery.