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蓝皮书认为,2005年房地产市场的需求将持续旺盛。Blue Book that in 2005 the real estate market will continue strong demand.

1952年,美国空军开始着手实施“蓝皮书计划”,这是一项针对不明飞行物的研究项目。In 1952, the US Air Force began Project Blue Book, a study program on UFOs.

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梦露成为蓝皮书最成功的模式,出现了几十种杂志的封面。Monroe became one of Blue Book 's most successful models, appearing on dozens of magazine covers.

要确定那种车贬值得最快,我们求助于凯利蓝皮书,它是一家位于加州加文市的为二手车再售价的估价公司。To determine which cars lose their value the fastest, we turned to Kelley Blue Book, an Irvine, Calif.

1944年,玛里琳·门罗被一位拍电影师发现,并鼓励她申请去蓝皮书模特公司。In 1944, Marilyn Monroe was discovered by a photographer who encouraged her to apply to The Blue Book modeling agency.

但蓝皮书的作者同时指出,中国城镇化速度与质量严重不谐和。But the Blue Book's authors also pointed out that the speed and quality of urbanization in China a serious lack of coordination.

中国房地产蓝皮书副主编李景国透露,“目前北京正在制定征收不动产税的具体办法。China's real estate Blue Book deputy editor Lijingguo disclosed that "Beijing is developing the real estate tax levy specific approach."

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我打开那本蓝皮书,耶鲁指导手册,耶鲁目录,有这么一页,都见过,讲耶鲁每个评分字母表示什么。When I open the blue book, the Yale guideline, the Yale catalog, it's got a page, as you all know, where it says what letter grades mean at Yale.

昨日,在沈阳市沈河区文化产业工作会上,一本关于沈河区文化产业发展规划的“蓝皮书”引起了各方关注。At the Shenyang working conference on cultural industry, a blueprint about the development of the district's cultural industry drew people's attraction.

社科院蓝皮书表示,去年物价上涨这一问题已经取得了社会大众最广泛的关注。The annual "Blue Book of China's Society" compiled by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences noted that last year rising prices topped the list of the public's concerns.

要确定那种车贬值得最快,我们求助于凯利蓝皮书,它是一家位于加州加文市的为二手车再售价的估价公司。To determine which cars lose their value the fastest, we turned to Kelley Blue Book, an Irvine, Calif.-based valuation company that determines resale prices for used cars.

今年早些时候,中国社科院的商业蓝皮书宣布,中国已超过美国而成为世界第二大奢侈品消费市场。Earlier this year the Chinese Academy of Social Science's business blue book declared that China had passed the US to become the world's second largest market for luxury goods.

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中国社科院发布的这份法治蓝皮书称“城市对农民入城心理歧视和排斥、就业与受教育的困境、经济政治待遇上的不平等、社会保障和救济制度的欠缺、文化冲突等社会心理和社会现实”是导致这一群体犯罪高发的主要原因。It cited "exclusion, job and education difficulties, unfair economic and political treatment, inadequate social security and cultural clashes" as the main reasons behind the crime wave.

此后的几周内,松下和三洋的高管们将起草一份合并两家公司全球业务的蓝皮书,包括从半导体芯片到电视机、到太阳能电池板的所有业务。Over the next few weeks, Panasonic and Sanyo officials will draw up a blueprint for combining their global operations, which includes everything from semiconductor chips to TVs to solar panels.

据中国社会科学院发表的一份蓝皮书的数据,中国群体性抗议事件,从1994年的超过10,000起增加到2007年的100,000起。Statistics showed that mass protests in China increased from more than 10, 000 to more than 100, 000 from 1994 to 2007, according to a blue-paper book issued by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

“近来汽车行业竞争激烈,汽车每四五年就要重新设计,”凯利蓝皮书的剩余价值咨询部主任埃里克.艾巴拉是这样说的。"The automotive industry is so competitive these days that you're seeing vehicles being redesigned every four or five years," says Eric Ibara, the director of residual consulting for Kelley Blue Book.