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每私都知道他们反目睦。Everyone knew that they had been on bad terms.

所遗家产,成为兄弟反目,争相抢夺。Siblings become enemies, fighting over assets that are left.

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出言不慎有时会使朋友反目。Carelessly spoken words can sometimes unsolder ties of friendship.

因遗产反目使兄弟两疏远多年。A quarrel over an inheritance estranged the brothers for many years.

这样做的目标是加快当地居民对新政府反目。The goal was to quickly turn residents against their new government.

但侵略让兄弟反目,让邻里成仇。But the invasion divided brother from brother, neighbour from neighbour.

在美国领导的盟军攻打阿富汗之前,巴基斯坦正式同其盟友阿富汗反目为敌。Pakistan officially turned against its ally before the U.S.-led invasion of Afghanistan.

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在美国领导的盟军攻打阿富汗之前,巴基斯坦正式同其盟友阿富汗反目为敌。Pakistan officially turned against its ally before the U. S. -led invasion of Afghanistan.

如果这一观点不被接受,那么,世界上省下来的全部税款也不足以防止全体国民相互反目,同室操戈。If this idea fails, then all the saved tax dollars in the world will not be enough to prevent the nation from turning on itself.

当然,钱也会导致家庭成员反目。克鲁克斯律师看到过因为一个家庭成员讨厌这种想法而导致协议破裂的案例。Of course, money is famous for causing family feuds. Krooks has seen arrangements fall apart because one relative hated the idea.

我们要断绝恐怖分子的财路,使他们相互反目,把他们从一个地方驱赶到另一个地方,直到无可逃循,无处藏身。We will starve terrorists of funding, turn them one against another, drive them from place to place, until there is no refuge or rest.

和一个人反目只要一分钟,和一个人相爱却要一个小时,而忘记一个人却要花上一生的时间。With one person quarrels as soon as, so long as a point, wants with one person to be small, but forgets one person to spend on the life.

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主要工会联盟的领导者佩德罗·蒙特斯,反对莫拉莱斯关于公民投票的计划。他说,公民投票将让人们相互反目。Pedro Montes, leader of the main union confederation, opposed Mr Morales's plan for a referendum, saying it would set people against each other.

周一,法国一名法官了结了一场持续时间长达三年的家庭官司——欧洲第一富婆为财产权问题与家人反目。On Monday, a French judge put an end to a three-year-long family saga that saw Europe’s richest woman take on her own family in court for control of her fortune.

大部分婚姻关系变坏的情况都能溯源至受伤害的情绪,这种宿怨导致伴侣彼此形成一种防范意识,最终疏远,甚至反目。Most of what goes wrong in relationships can be traced to hurt feelings, leading partners to erect defenses against one another and to become strangers. Or enemies.

土耳其与叙利亚总统巴沙尔反目,尽管埃尔多安并未公开表示叙利亚总统离开,但他并未将叙利亚的外交关系降级。And Turkey has turned against Bashar Assad's regime in Syria, though Mr Erdogan has not explicitly told the Syrian president to go, nor has he downgraded relations with.

突如其来的一场暴雪打断了他们的假期,他们被困山中,随着形势急转直下,好友反目,“当纳聚会”似乎要再次上演。A sudden snowstorm interrupted their holiday, they were trapped in the mountains, with a crackdown, friend against each other, "when satisfied party" seems to occur again.

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许多家庭好多年一直维持着那副老样子,夫妻二人都感到厌倦,只是因为双方既没有完全反目也不十分融洽的缘故。Many families remain for years in the same place, though both husband and wife are sick of it, simply because there is neither complete division nor agreement between them.

宫主以一招之差落败燕南天后夫妻反目,立誓十八年后将授一门人杀尽十恶。Palace advocate the difference with one action loses fall out of husband and wife of Yan Na Queen of heaven, impawn will award a person to be killed after 18 years 10 evil.

嘉嘉不惜和父母反目而与诸葛河结婚,当年一家人住在公屋,姨妈是「请都唔来」,今日一家人生活无忧,令嘉嘉甚为欣慰。Jia jia is willing to quarrel with your parents and marry ZhuGeHe, when the family live in public housing, is please well come, my aunt family alright today, jia jia is gratifying.