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只有内尔森-里瓦斯不能出场。Only Nelson Rivas is out.

在某一个星期中,他甚至没有出场。One week, he didn’t even show up.

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莫塞尼亚的王子伊达斯最后出场。Last came Idas, prince of Messenia.

你有一次曾因为打人犯规而被罚出场外。And you once fouled because of striking.

但是他过去代表尤文出场的战绩却令人印象深刻。But his past scoring record is impressive.

按出场顺序且排名与其重要程度无关。In order of appearance and not importance.

她的歌迷都焦急地等待她的出场。All her fans are waiting for her anxiously.

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拿俄米在神的故事中以诉苦出场。Naomi gets into God's story by complaining.

她在他的电视节目中出场客串。She made a guest appearance on his TV show.

史密斯因故意将球打在场地的右方而被罚出场。Smith was out trying to turn a ball to leg.

奥运会入场式上,东道国队总是最后出场。Do you remember the last Olympics in Athens?

被在等待等待了的的出场。An appearance of Yong Joon who waited to wait.

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维迪奇为红魔已出场了将近200次。Vidic has played nearly 200 times for the Reds.

在男演员出场前加了一段音乐。The music was cued in before the actor apperaed.

特雷索尔代表法国国家队出场65次。Marius Tresor represented France on 65 occasions.

巴特勒右膝盖受伤,今天晚上不会重新出场了。Butler right knee injury. Will not return tonight.

期间以英格兰队队长的身份出场59次。He also captained England 59 times in that period.

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朱鲁有康复的机会在周六出场。Johan Djourou has a chance to be fit for Saturday.

当帕洛斯基出场时我就说他会进球。When he stepped on to the pitch I said he'd score.

哇,杰伦出场32分钟,生涯新高?Wow, Jaylen with 32 minutes! Is that a career high?