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性,强健骨盆底部肌肉群。Sex Strengthens Pelvic Floor Muscles

保持背部及骨盆平贴地面。Keep back and pelvic area flat on floor.

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老女人知道什么是骨盆体操。Older women know what Kegel exercises are.

晃动骨盆向上,尾骨朝上。Rock pelvis upward so coccyx moves upward.

面对你的骨盆比国旗长。Faces within your pelvis is longer than the flag.

CT也显示骨性骨盆的详尽影像。CT also offers detailed imaging of the bony pelvis.

腰肌和耻骨肌使骨盆轻微前倾。The psoas and pectineus tilt the hip slightly forward.

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我夜里睡觉的时候如果俯卧的话,骨盆就会痛。My pelvis would hurt at night when I slept on my stomach.

长鱼,没有骨盆鳍和带状物,或已经退化。Elongate fishes with pelvic fins and girdle absent or reduced.

扫描他的胸部,腹部和骨盆也没有什么发现。Scans of his chest, abdomen, and pelvis likewise showed nothing.

护士将无菌手术巾铺在病人胸部和骨盆上。Sterile drapes were whisked onto the patient's chest and pelvis.

骨盆前移,使身体在两腿间。Tilt your pelvis forward and bring your trunk between your legs.

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Najash蛇保留着骶骨,用它来支撑骨盆。Najash retained a sacrum, a bony feature that supported the pelvis.

直肠炎常见于骨盆放射治疗的病人。Proctitis is common in patients undergoing pelvic radiation therapy.

如果你将自己的骨盆抬起,你很有可能感受到它!You're most likely to feel something if you have your pelvis raised.

无骨盆畸形愈合、腰骶部疼痛、下肢不等长等并发症。No pelvic malunion, low back pain or leg length discrepancy was found.

女性的生理构造中,骶骨与骨盆的连结比男性少一点。A woman's anatomy allows one less sacral segment to lock with the pelvis.

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即使在这个过渡体式中,在你的骨盆和躯干检查山式的要求。Even in this transitional posture, seek Tadasana in your pelvis and torso.

在俯卧姿势,将骨盆转到右边然后再到左边。In the prone position, turn your pelvis to the right and then to the left.

一些报道称家庭成员的毒打使她一旁骨盆开裂。Some reports say beatings from family members resulted in a broken pelvis.