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咆哮的狗狗。Growly dog.

虎咆哮。A tiger growls.

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有时候,我们大声咆哮。Sometimes we growled.

石人咆哮了。The stone man howled.

隔壁的狗在咆哮。Next door\'s dog barks.

我对她咆哮,汪汪汪。I snarl at her and bark.

他咆哮着表示他的不满。He howled his displeasure.

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他象野兽般地咆哮起来。He raved like a wild beast.

然后我们听到了一声更大的咆哮。Then we hear a louder growl.

对负面的咆哮方式说抱歉。Sorry about the negative rant.

拍岸浪的咆哮声在这儿略为低沉。The surf's roar was here dulled.

咆哮声回荡在整个房间里。The whole room rang with a roar.

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就连他的咆哮也是完美的。Even his howls are pitch-perfect.

他满口脏话地朝我们咆哮。He howled at us with rude remarks.

吼声如雷,奔腾咆哮。With their voices soft as thunder.

还活着,但是空着手,咆哮着。Alive but empty-handed and shouting.

“很好,斯蒂夫,”Tramiel咆哮着。"Very nice, Steve," growled Tramiel.

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它高高地直立起来,咆哮着。It rose high on its legs and growled.

它龇起牙冲我咆哮。He growled at me and showed his teeth.

突然,那条狗又咆哮起来。Suddenly the dog began growling again.