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他干嘛来咱们这儿撒野?What does he come here cheeking us for, then?

比赛时别对他们撒野,他们还是些孩子。Don't rough them up in the game.They are still boys.

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大部分是鲫鱼,没命地在湍急的流水中撒野。Most of crucian carp, lives in in running water wild.

他不会让他们撒野,他会给他们糖果。He doesn't let them run rampant and just give them candy.

一群不法暴徒肆意撒野地铁的城市!A pack of felonious goons are wreaking havoc on Metro City!

你竟敢在我的地盘撒野?我让你吃不了兜着走!How dare you act wildly in my site?I will let you prostrating.

自己的球队输了以后,他们在小镇上到处撒野。They ran riot through the town after the defeat of their team.

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此方对李小龙则不灵,他照常撒野。This side of Bruce Lee is not working, he as usual act wildly.

这不,礼拜六都后半夜5点了,他在罗马尼亚的布加勒丝特的大街上撒野。He threw a fit on the streets of Bucharest, Romania at 5 AM on Sunday.

她说,“他不象目前一般撒野的青年,一心只为自己打算。Not like the wild young men nowadays, who think of nothing but themselves.

于这个谎言中,人们恣意喝酒、撒野或者沽名钓誉。In this lies, people unscrupulously drink, act boorishly to perhaps fish for fame.

这是我的地盘,你可不能在这里撒野,我不能让我的兄弟受欺负。This is my site, you can not act wildly here, I can not let my brother be bullied.

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二是紧紧拖住孩子,不要让孩子撒野毁物和自毁。Dragging children, do not let their children act wildly complex and self-destruction.

那男孩对老师撒野谎说他病了,以此用为他逃学的借口。The boy gave the teacher a song and dance about his being ill as an excuse for playing truant.

不过,看看中国现在束手束脚的样子,随便一个小国都可以在它头上撒野。However, if you look now China's hands are tied, even those tiny countries can take a piss on China.

脸弄毁容后,就再没有人敢来她这清绻苑“撒野”了。Face lane after disfiguring, another no an dared apt come apt her this pure Quan Yuan to"act boorishly".

很快,那些小虫子就会找其它地方撒野去了,可能是那些没有洋葱驱虫剂的地方。Pretty soon, those insects will find other venues to terrorize, probably those without onion-based repellents.

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美国人或许已经抓狂了,但是他们还没有疯狂到要给四处撒野的茶党张开欢迎的拥抱。Americans may be as mad as hell, but they are not crazy enough to want to embrace the wilder shores of Tea Partyism.

正当布哈依叼着猎物回家的时候,看见一群象在它家的洞穴撒野,它的爱妻正在洞里受苦。Buha legitimate prey by dangling from home, he saw a group of caves as wildly in its home, its hole wife is suffering.

那一刻我突然感到,有一个自己喜欢的男人可以陪在自己身边,纵容着自己的任性撒野,该是多么幸福的一件事啊?That moment I suddenly felt like a man can go around in their own connivance of their willful act wildly , how happy the thing ah?