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国会议员目前将就最终法案进行协商。Conferees will now negotiate a final version.

我们晚上只的在这小房间里将就一下。We have to make do with the small room for the night.

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扎伊迪的律师说被告将就判决提出上诉。Zaidi's lawyers said he would appeal against the sentence.

本文将就其中的喜金刚曼荼罗进行探讨。This essay attempts to approach a study on Hevajra Mandalas.

咖啡要是喝光了,咱们就得将就一下。If there isn't any coffee left, we'll just have to do without.

她的报告将就此类提案进行得失权衡。Her paper will examine the costs and benefits of such a proposal.

李教授将就中东问题作一系列的讲座。Professor Li will give a series of lectures on the Middle East issue.

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电视观众只能将就着看一下已经看厌了的重播节目和二流电影。Viewers will have to make do with tired re-runs and second-rate movies.

2月底之前,教育部将就社会关注度高的20个重大问题继续征求意见,其中包括是否取消高中文理分科等问题。The ministry will continue to solicit opinions until the end of February.

本文将就理论界主要争议的几个问题,发表一下笔者的意见。This thesis is concerning about principal questions in theoretical domain.

贝儿向玫瑰说出本人习气了将就父亲的口胃。Belle to say I will the habit of rose out of the mouth of the father stomach.

翌日,佐利克将就移民问题与皮尔斯·布鲁斯南深入交换意见。Tomorrow, Zoellick will share a stage with Pierce Brosnan to discuss migration.

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预期两国领导人将就拟议中的伊朗到巴基斯坦再到印度的输油管道交换意见。Discussions are expected to include a proposed Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline.

本文将就微型马达精密换向片的量产模具介绍说明。This paper will introduce the progressive die of the commutators for micromotor.

下次开会时,王老师将就电脑游戏对青少年的影响发表讲话。At our next meeting Mr. Wang will speak on "The Effects of Video Games on Teenagers".

今天,埃及将就总统穆罕默德·穆尔西支持的宪法草案举行全民公投。Egyptians are voting on a draft constitution today backed by President Mohamed Morsi.

她讨厌雪利酒,葡萄酒将就,偶尔,为了随大流也呷两口香槟。She hates sherry , tolerates wine, and occasionally sips at champagne to be sociable.

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不将就有害的恋爱关系并且积极争取自我是需要很大勇气的。It takes strength to model healthy self-care by not settling for a toxic relationship.

宝来香港将就港股即时报价收取费用,收费详情载于背页。Fees will be charged for real-time quote of Hong Kong Stock, details are enclosed overleaf.

在周二皇家马德里将就爱马努埃尔阿德巴约的交易向曼城斯特城进行协商。Real Madrid will make a fresh approach to Manchester City for Emmanuel Adebayor on Tuesday.