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德文是一个巫婆指南。Devin is a witch guide.

中国考试指南网那女孩子患了重病。The girl had a bad illness.

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钛包覆线的指南。Titanium-coated line guide.

那你有旅游指南吗?Do you have guidebooks then?

这些指南书多少钱?How much are the guidebooks?

欢迎来到新爸爸指南网!Welcome to the New Dad Guide!

我在找旅游指南的书。I am looking for a travel guide.

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链接到IIED的指南全文Link to full guide from the IIED

这是一本很有用的指南书。This is a very useful guidebook.

服务指南在桌面上。The service guide is on the desk.

这是服务指南。And here is our service directory.

我说的人生指南是什么呢?What do I mean by a life handbook?

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本指南中你就能学到该怎么实现。In this tutorial you will learn how.

朱丽叶·班德尔的女同性恋者生活指南Julie Bindel's guide to lesbian life

如果你们都有一部婆媳指南多好啊。If only you both had a how-to manual.

我的旅行指南上可没有提到这个公园啊。My guidebook didn't mention the park.

这是我们饭店的服务指南。Here is our hotel's Service Directory.

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在某种程度上,古兰经就像是一个指南。In a way, the Qur'an is like a manual.

这同样是个不错的饮食指南That's not a bad one to follow either.

现在,指南中有2,400家活跃的酒厂。Today, there's 2, 400 active wineries.