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男女平等实属天经地义。Equality between men and women is fully justified.

争取选举权的妇女是英国最早的男女平等主义者。Suffragettes were among the first feminists in Britain.

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我决定成为一个男女平等主义者,这似乎是水到渠成之事。I decided I was a feminist and this seemed uncomplicated to me.

男性的高跟鞋,我可以当做是男女平等的另一个象征。And male's high-heel shoes may consider as a symbol of feministic.

瑞典的爸爸要给孩子换尿布,还要支持男女平等,太悲惨了。Swedish dads are tragic with all their nappy-changing and equality.

男女平等主义者开始推动在教育和职业上的平等。Feminists began to push for equality in their educations and careers.

然而争取男女平等的过程仍然是一项未竟之业。Yet the process of achieving gender equality is still an ongoing one.

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本着男女平等的精神,必须设立男士专用车厢。In the spirit of gender-equality, a male-only carriage must be introduced.

因此,让男性参与到促进男女平等的事业中来十分重要。Therefore, it is very crucial to have men to be part of gender equality projects.

潘基文是2007年1月1号从安南手中接过联合国秘书长一职的。他在任上将气候变化、武器削减、男女平等、和平与安全,作为工作的重点。Ban Ki-moon took over the helm of the world body on January 1, 2007 from Kofi Annan.

内坦尼亚胡还指出,这项判决维持了男女平等的原则。Mr. Netanyahu also pointed to the ruling as upholding equality between men and women.

她重新定义了“男女平等主义者”,称其并非“咄咄逼人”,或是“反对男性”。She reclaimed the definition of "feminist", saying it's not "aggressive" or "anti-men".

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政治文明与权力领域的男女平等是相辅相成的辩证关系。Political civilization and sexual equality in the field of power are mutually complementary.

这或许可以成为一种情绪调节,甚至可以证明数年来的“男女平等”理念。That can be an emotional adjustment, even for generations raised on the concept of equality.

威尔金斯同样挑剔,弗兰克林的这位同事不喜欢她这个男女平等主义者的姿态。Wilkins, a colleague of Franklin's who disliked her feminist attitudes, was equally critical.

只有少数的圣一西门主义者反对在承认性别差异的前提下对男女平等加以的定义。Only a few Saint-Simonians opposed a definition of sexual equality based on gender distinction.

不管男女平等到什么程度,人们总是愿意争论男人是否有绅士风度。Despite how far we've come interms of equality, there's always an argument to be made for chivalry.

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你也已经为关于空气的被认为为性别歧视者的评论面临男女平等主义者的许多批评。You have also faced a lot of criticism from feminists for on-air remarks that were deemed sexist. Dr.

因为,如果一个男人想要赢得女人的心,他首先必须得尊重女性、而且要具备“男女平等”的意识。Because if a man wants to win the hearts of women he has to respect them and believe ingender equality.

当我的妻子以男女平等的名义开始叫我做东做西时,我的洗衣生涯就此开始。My laundry career began when my wife started assigning me little duties in the name of gender equality.