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日本将要背负骂名。Japan would get the blame.

两个战斗,但他们的魔法相撞,给他们留下千古骂名。The two battled, but their magic collided left them cursed.

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作为出卖耶稣而使其被害的叛徒,犹大在历史上一直背负著骂名。Judas is reviled in history as the disciple who betrayed Jesus to his death.

未来的雇主可能担心,说不定哪一天,它们也会因为你而背上骂名。Prospective employers will worry that you might make them look bad someday, too.

随着消费观念的转变,水工业背负的骂名越来越多。As our consumer attitudes have changed, criticism of the industry has only intensified.

而王熙凤与贾母在这桩被掩盖了真相的悲剧里无辜地承受了百年骂名。But Wang Xifeng and Jia Baoyu's grandma stand infamy innocently in the tragedy whose truth was covered hundred years.

但是季欣霈最近遭到网友的很多骂名,其原因是她是陈冠希旗下的首位创作女艺人。However, Yan Pei recent quarter was a lot of friends notoriety because she was Edison's first female creative artists.

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拥有以色列男友的当红女星章子怡就已经深陷叛国和媚外的骂名之中。One leading actress, Jiang Ziyi, who has an Israeli boyfriend, has routinely been accused of betrayal for consorting with a foreigner.

高额报酬才能抵得上在非法行业工作的风险,也可以补偿因为卖身而惹来的骂名。A premium fee is justified by the risks involved in working in an illegal industry, as well as the related stigma of being paid for sex.

至于快餐,经常背负导致肥胖水平上升的骂名,不用说使西方文化更加单调乏味这一罪名。Fast food, meanwhile, often gets the blame for rising obesity levels, not to mention the increasing uniformity and blandness of Western culture.

但是,即使基于社区的隔离措施能获得资助和后勤支持,它们也可能导致骂名和歧视。But, even if community-based isolation measures can be financed and logistically provided for, they could still lead to stigma and discrimination.

现在南澳大利亚州政府可以继续执行荒唐的RET政策,让新加坡所有者为高价格遭受骂名。The beauty of this is that the SA government can now continue with it's ridiculous RETs and the Singapore owners cop all the opprobrium for the high prices.

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他们也遭到了在总理和其他政党领袖领导下的以前的同事们的反对,指责他们让政治体系背负了更多的骂名。Their former colleagues, led by the Prime Minister and the other party leaders, turned on them, accusing them of bringing more odium down on the political system.

如果人民币最终真的升值了,那么中国庞大的外汇储备,其以人民币计价方式下的价值将大幅缩水,——而央行则很可能为这样的损失承担骂名。If the renminbi does appreciate eventually, the value of China’s vast foreign reserves will plunge in renminbi terms — a loss for which the central bank would likely be blamed.

很幸运地,主照明系统在满受骂名之发电机被夸大之超负运转下得以运转有度,车子也更不耐心地加速着,还故意地振动着。Fortunately, the main illumination has become moderate after the exaggerated overuse of the rated generator and the cars are accelerating with less tolerance and deliberate vibration.

很幸运地,主照明系统在满受骂名的发电机被夸大的超负运转下得以运转有度,车子也更不耐心地加速着,还故意地振动着。Fortunately, the main illumination has become moderate after the exaggerated overuse of the rated generutor and the cars are accelerating with less tolerance and deliberate vibration.

我想知道的是你是否为了忠实于自己而敢于令他人失望,是否敢于承担背叛的骂名而不愿违背良心,是否能做到诚实可靠,值得信赖。I want to know if you can disappoint another to be true to yourself, if you can bear the accusation of betrayal and not betray your own soul, if you can be faithful and therefore trustworthy.

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而搜索引擎厂商也因此遭受骂名,降低了用户体验和品牌美誉度,承受了恶意点击的不小负面影响。But the search engine manufacturer also therefore suffers the infamy, reduced the user experience and the brand fine reputation, has withstood the malicious click not small negative influence.

不注意这些,我们就无法解释为什么盛宣怀兴办铁路成效卓著,最终却因推行干路国有政策而落得千秋骂名。If not , we are unable to explain why Sheng, who had done so many merits in China's railway construction , was still criticized in history hooks for enforcing the main-road-state-owned policy.

我想知道的是你是否为了忠实于自己而敢于令他人失望,是否敢于承担背叛的骂名而不愿违背良心,是否能做到诚实可靠从而值得信赖。I want to know if you can disappoint another to be true to yourself, if you can bear6 the accusation7 of betrayal and not betray your own soul, if you can be faithful and therefore trustworthy8.