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我反复看了十遍。So I watched it 10 times.

是反复浏览一份目录。It's de-scanning a catalog.

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回水是反复循环。The backwater recirculates.

因为里面确实有大量的反复There's a lot of repetition.

别再反复讨论这个问题了。Don't vex this problem again.

做事老有反复。Do things have repeatedly old.

他反复思考这个问题。He ruminated over the problem.

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我反复考虑了那个问题。He ruminated over the problem.

反复,没有终期的反复。Repeats, just repeat is enough.

然后再次煮沸,如此反复。And boil it again, and so forth.

反复的梦及噩梦。Recurring dreams and nightmares.

一个同义反复的进化时间?A tautology that evolves in time?

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自礼物是一个反复出现的主题。Self-gifting is a recurring theme.

报告人反复灌输他的观点。The reporter drilled in his point.

生命太短暂,我们没有时间去反复地斟酌比对。Life is too short for anyting else.

我反复强记这些邮政编码。I've had the code numbers dinned in.

约翰喜欢反复地说他的故事。John likes to blah-blah his stories.

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他用反复抱怨烦扰我们。He dingdonged the complaints into us.

这些,memo-ons来回反复运动。These memo-ons just go back and forth.

我们并不想反复地跟他们讲罚款。We don’t want to ding them with fines.