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葛斯汉的成功是不同凡响的。Grisham's success is phenomenal.

他是一个不同凡响的人物。He was a person out of the ordinary.

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这是一张绝对不同凡响的专辑。This is one is absolutely outstanding specially edits.

不过,不同凡响的那一刻发生在扳平比分时。The outstanding moment, though, was the equalising goal.

他在大颗钻石上雕琢小平面的技巧是不同凡响的。The skill with which he faceted the great diamond is remarkable.

为读者的家居生活带来不同凡响的流行资讯。For the reader's home life in extraordinary epidemic information.

即使谈不上不同凡响,耕地也绝对是一种相当好的长期投资产品了。Farmland has been a decent, if not outstanding, long-term investment.

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穿上旧式的白色长袍,她们看起来仍然不同凡响。Decked out in old -fashioned white gowns, they still look sensational.

不用说,我认为它会在世界手机大会上不同凡响。Needless to say, I think it'll be a real shocker at Mobile World Congress.

她天生的创造力和艺术天赋让她的家不同凡响,令人叹服。Her natural creativity and artistic talent make her home a real showstopper.

曾任彭布罗克学院院长的罗杰·贝内斯特爵士是院长中不同凡响的一个。Sir Roger Bannister, former Master of Pembroke College, is unusual among heads.

颠末再度处置地面料将会是不同凡响,无独有偶地。After the lining which processes once again could be out of the ordinary, unique.

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随着时间的推移,烟草业最大的敌人确实不同凡响,藏有若干利器。As time would tell, the industry’s biggest enemy had some truly big things in store.

我是第一位当选国会议员的黑人妇女,这使我不同凡响。Being the first black woman elected to Congress has made me some kind of phenomenon.

但相比之下,爱登堡这部关于进化的自然史诗纪录片却具有不同凡响的普遍吸引力。But his own spectacular treatise on evolution enjoyed a different level of universal appeal.

我们需要看得见、摸得着的成果,需要能改变人们生活、不同凡响的成果。We need results that people can see and touch, results that change lives —make a difference.

众所周知,某某某的开放,斗胆前卫,不同凡响的作风和经典的外型风行全球。As we all know, so and so open, bold avantgarde, unique style and classic style swept the globe.

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凯里无论作为球员还是教练都在各个层次很好的激发了球队潜能,并带领球队一直前进,这点真的很不同凡响。It was also not unusual for Carey to inspire teams at all levels, both as a captain and a player.

妮可基德曼证出租她在纽约西村不同凡响的高层住宅。Nicole Kidman is renting out her "extraordinary, high-floor residence" in New York's West Village.

不论你选择什么,一定要足以不同凡响来配得上你曾被给与的礼物。Whatever you choose, make sure it's remarkable enough to suit every gift you have ever been given.