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思想是刀枪不入的。Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof.

⊙、你以为我刀枪不入,够坚强吗?Do you think I am invulnerability, strong enough?

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当你拍电影的时候,你会觉得自己是刀枪不入的。There's a sense of invulnerability when you're making a movie.

你以为我刀枪不入,我以为你百毒不侵。——徐志摩。You think I'm invulnerability, I thought you poison not assault.

战士无须尽善尽美,不需常胜不败,不必刀枪不入。A warrior is not about perfection, or victory, or invulnerability.

尽管表面一副刀枪不入的样子,还是常感觉到心累。Although the surface of a pair of invulnerability look, or feel tired heart.

我原以为自己刀枪不入,所以不关心我们是否有安全设施。I thought I was bullet-proof and didn't care if we had safety equipment or not.

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如果你还没有修炼到刀枪不入,就先做到沉默是金。If you do not have to guns and knives into the practice, first to silence is golden.

削减股息必须是可能的,但该公司似乎对金融危机刀枪不入。A dividend cut must be possible, but the company in general seems fairly recession-proof.

没有EDD,我们也许能开发出质量极高、刀枪不入的代码,可是没有人用。Without EDD, we could end up developing high-quality bullet-proof code that nobody cares about.

她的儿子在这水里洗过澡,就会像神一样,刀枪不入,永生不死。Bathing her son in its waters, she thought, would make Achilles immortal, deathless, like a god.

1900年,中国的义和团拳民就认为武术训练能使他们刀枪不入。In 1900 the Boxer rebels of China thought that martial-arts training made them immune to bullets.

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头一年,这些人个个刀枪不入,谁也不肯去采血。The first year, these people everybody invulnerability, who also refused to go to blood collection.

最大的危险来自瘦子季曼,他有一种刀枪不入的讨厌神气。The greatest danger was posed by Skinny Zyama, who had assumed an obnoxious air of invulnerability.

她双手紧抓著阿基里斯的脚跟,将儿子的身体浸泡在冥河之中,好让他全身刀枪不入。Holding onto Achilles' heel, Thetis dipped her son in the River Styx to make him invincible to weapons.

那些吃了假补品的人后就有种刀枪不入的感觉,并且不愿意做运动。Those taking phony supplements reported a greater sense of invulnerability and less of a desire to exercise.

与此同时,芳芳没血缘的哥哥胡志坚被刀枪不入、以及能够凭空消失的黑衣人袭击!Meanwhile, fang fang didn t blood brother zhi-jian hu invulnerability, and the black dress person attacks can disappear!

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虎王坦克强大的火力和厚重的装甲创造一个强大的形象,几乎是刀枪不入的坦克。However, the great firepower and armor of the King Tiger created the impression of a powerful armored force with almost invulnerable tanks.

每当保护社区的活雷锋沉迷于他最喜爱的消遣时,他就穿上红紧身衣,以为自己刀枪不入,自称为黑人超人。Every time this vigilante indulges in his favorite pastime, he dons red tights, thinks he's invincible and refers to himself as Black Supaman.

阿喀琉斯一出生,她母亲就捏着他的脚后跟,把他全身都浸入冥河水中,传说冥河水可以让人永生,故而阿喀琉斯周身获得了保护,造就了一副刀枪不入的钢铁之躯,只有脚后跟除外。When he was a baby, his mother submerged him in the River Styx to make him immortal, all except for the heel that she held to dip him into the waters.