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留下一段真情,让它停泊在枫桥边。Leaving behind a truth, let it moor at the Maple Bridge.

公司位于诸暨市轻纺衬衫之乡——枫桥镇。Our company is located in the country of shirt, Fengqiao Town, Zhuji City.

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身后是最大的刻有枫桥夜泊诗句的碑文。The biggest stone which sculptured the poem of "A Night Mooring By Maple Bridge".

或明或淡的灯光,如枫桥夜晚摇曳的灯火,我的思绪也是这般摇曳多姿。Overtly or pale light, flickering lights at night, such as maple, my thoughts are so glittering.

座东朝西,门对古运河,旧临官道今属江苏苏州金阊区枫桥镇。City East to the west, to the ancient canal, the old pro road this is in Jiangsu Suzhou city town.

只要你,你们聆听一下这大自然的杰作,就足足抵消得枫桥夜泊的诗意!If you listen to it, you will fully masterpiece, to offset the poetic arrives at an interpretation!

寒山寺位于苏州城西阊门外十里枫桥西南不远处。Hanshan Temple is located west of Suzhou outside the gate of heaven in ten Maple short distance southwest.

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寒山寺大雄宝殿的主要景点有,经堂,钟楼,碑文「枫桥夜泊」。Han Shan Temple Main Hall of the main attractions are, the Sutra Hall, the Bell Tower, the inscription "Midnight Bells".

抓好山塘景区与虎丘景区、枫桥景区、苏州古城的联动,同时注重与商贸旅游、休闲旅游、健康旅游、生态旅游的互动,实现资源共享、互利互赢。At the same time, it focuses on interaction of business travel, leisure tourism, health tourism, eco-tourism sharing resources, mutual benefit and win-win.

那是晨风中摇曳绽放的春色,那是书香里翰墨不干的沉吟,那是枫桥边千年不老的传说,那是西窗下缠绵不绝的情思。It was morning breeze swaying the Spring bloom, it is scholarly in calligraphy quit murmurings, it is a thousand years old Maple Side legend, it was lingering under the West Window Affectional.