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塔里木河是我国最长的内陆河。Tarim River is one longest inland river of China.

黑河是我国西北地区一个较大的内陆河。The Heihe River is a wide inland river in Northwest China.

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在枯水期,黄河也成了“内陆河”了。The Yellow River becomes a continental river in low-water seasons.

湖沼学也包含对内陆河理化属性方面的研究。Limnology also includes studying the chemical and physical aspects of inland water.

塔里木河地处我国西北干旱区,是中国最长的内陆河。Tarim River is the longest inland River of China, located in the arid of Northwest China.

海虱子通过内陆河流传播到大洋中。Sea lice travel from inland rivers to the ocean. The lice eat the muscle and skin of young fish.

最终实现对内陆河流湖泊的含沙状况进行实时、动态、快速的监测。Finally, we realize to monitor the turbidity of inland river and lake timely, dynamically and speedy.

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内陆河流域水资源配置有其自身的复杂性和特殊性。Water resource distribution in continental river valley has its own complexities and particularities.

干旱区内陆河流域的脆弱生态环境是在长期的演变过程中形成的。The fragile ecological environment has been formed for a long time in continental river basin in arid zone.

黑河中游是我国西北干旱区开发历史较早,绿洲化程度较高的第二大内陆河流域。The middle reaches of Heihe river is the second largest inland valley in the arid region of northwestern China.

讨赖河是我国西北地区较大的内陆河,主要涉及甘肃省酒泉市和嘉峪关市。Taolai River is a great inland river in northwest area of China, passing Jiuquan city and Jiayuguan city in Gansu province.

我国西北地区内陆河流域水资源配置有其自身的复杂性和特殊性。Water resource distribution in continental river valley of northwestern China has its own complexities and particularities.

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这个庞大的内陆河三角洲生态形式多样的湿地生态系统的部分在巴西,玻利维亚和巴拉圭。This enormous landlocked river delta forms an ecologically diverse wetland ecosystem in parts of Brazil, Bolivia, and Paraguay.

以甘肃省河西走廊西部疏勒河为例,建立了干旱内陆河流水质预测的人工神经网络模型。An artificial neural network model for predicting water quality in interior river in northwest china is explicated in this paper.

黑河是我国西北地区较大的内陆河,横跨山地、盆地和沙漠三大地貌类型区,用水矛盾尤其是经济建设与生态环境用水矛盾突出。Heihe is a relative larger inland river of Northwest China. It spans three major land form types of mountain, basin and desert areas.

针对明轮对内陆河道船只作用重大,但是效率低下、成本高、安全系数低的情况,阐述了对明轮进行优化的重要性。The importance of optimal design of paddle-wheel was presented according to the situation that the efficiency was low and cost was high.

在西部大开发战略实施过程当中,我国内陆河流域由于用水结构与产业结构严重错位,水资源短缺问题日益严峻。During the great development of west China, water utilization structure and industrial structure are both irrational in inland river basins.

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水资源的开发利用对我国西北干旱内陆河区的生态环境具有重要的影响,天然植物的生长与种群随地下水位和阵水的变化而演变。Water Resources development plays a key role in the ecological environment of inland river basins of arid and semi-arid zone in Northwest China.

提出了开展内陆河流域水文过程观测和研究的基本框架。The basic frame is put forward to carry out the field measurement, experiment and studies of hydrological processes in a typical inland river basin.

荒漠区内陆河流域如何实现科学的退耕还草还草,是论文所要回答的科学问题。How to realize the science reverting farmland to forestry and grassland in Inland river reaches of Arid land is the question to answer for the paper.